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Skin condition is one of the most important indicators of human health. The appearance of a rash on the skin may indicate the presence of various diseases - infectious, allergic and diseases of the blood and blood vessels. Estet-portal will talk about the types of rashes on the body and the factors that provoke their appearance.

Why does a rash appear on the body

A rash on the skin appears as a result of allergic diseases, infectious diseases and diseases of the blood and blood vessels.

Most often, a rash appears due to infectious diseases: herpes, scarlet fever, measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc. In this case, the rash is accompanied by fever, chills, sore throat, stomach, cough, runny nose, diarrhea.

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If there are no signs of infection and there has been a possible contact with the source of the allergy, an allergic rash is most likely present.

The most common causes of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash are:

  • honey, chocolate, citrus and other products;
  • chemicals and medicines (cleaners, perfumes, paint);
  • contact with animals.

Types of rashes on the body

Blisters. The surface of such rashes is rough and compacted, rising above the level of the skin.

Bubbles. They are cavities in the skin that are filled with a clear liquid. Appear with such diseases: herpes, eczema, allergic dermatitis, chickenpox, shingles.

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When pus forms inside a bladder, it is called a pustule (purulent bladder). Abscess formation manifests folliculitis, impetigo, furunculosis, pyoderma and various types of acne.

Macules or spots. Such elements of rashes are on the same level with the skin. Depending on the shade, the spots are classified into vitiligo (white spots), roseola (rash in the form of red spots) and areas with limited pigmentation (brown spots).

Erythema – sharply delimited area of ​​skin of bright red color, which rises slightly. Occurs in people suffering from hypersensitivity to food, medicines, as well as after ultraviolet radiation and with erysipelas.

Papules. This type of rash on the body manifests itself in the form of nodules located in the thickness of the skin. It is a solid neoplasm that does not have an internal cavity.

Ulcers and erosions. When these appear, the integrity of the skin is broken and there is some kind of discharge.

Which doctor should I contact if I have a rash on my body

  • an allergist will help if you develop an allergic rash after taking medications;
  • If the rash is accompanied by a burning sensation, stinging, bleeding or blistering, you should consult a dermatologist;
  • if fever and weakness are connected to the rash, go to an appointment with an infectious disease specialist;
  • if the rash is accompanied by a severe headache, drowsiness, or small purple or black spots appear on the body, occupying a large area of ​​the skin – do not hesitate to call an ambulance;
  • when a rash spreads in the form of a ring from one central red spot, after a certain time after a tick bite, you should urgently consult an infectious disease specialist;
  • the help of an infectious disease specialist is also needed if the same rash appears in several family members at once.

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How to reduce a rash on the body at home

In order to achieve a reduction in the appearance of the rash and reduce itching, you can use the following methods:

  • wear smooth, natural cotton clothing to avoid irritation;
  • If there is no sign of infection, apply 1% hydrocortisone cream to the area where the rash appears. Consult a doctor if there is no improvement in 5-6 days;
  • use baby soap or shower gel;
  • Substances that can cause an allergic reaction or irritate the skin should be excluded (cosmetics, washing powders, perfumes, jewelry).

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