Такая опасная деменция – что это за болезнь

With age, each person has certain changes in the state of health. And many people suffer from such an age-related disease as dementia, which seriously affects human activity and brain function.

According to doctors, it is not so much the patient himself who suffers from dementia, but rather his immediate environment, since a person needs round-the-clock care.

What causes dementia and what kind of disease is it – the editors of estet-portal.com answer the most important questions. You will learn about the main signs of the problem, its causes, the features of the disease.

Dementia – what is this disease and how does it manifest itself

Dementia is considered to be a companion of old age, and if translated from Latin, the disease means "dementia". The disease is characterized by disorders of the nervous system and its work, which are associated with lesions of the brain of an organic type.

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Disease manifests as follows:

•    acquired knowledge is lost, and new ones cannot be acquired;

•    mental abilities are sharply reduced;

•    skills that were used in practice are lost.

Depending on the causes that provoked brain damage, the clinical picture of the disease develops. But in all cases there is a disorder of the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere in a pronounced form. The final result of the course of the disease – it is a complete loss of personality.

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What are the signs of dementia?

In order not to aggravate the patient's condition, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. This will help the first signs of the disease, which cannot be overlooked:

•    memory impairment, when it is difficult for a person to remember an event that happened a couple of days ago;

•    disorientation in space, when a person cannot find his way home in a place familiar to him;

•    time disorientation;

•    lack of desire to get acquainted with something new, because the brain is not capable of assimilation and processing of information.

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The presented symptoms worsen over time, and more critical ones are added to them, so it is important to visit a therapist at the first suspicion.

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Causes of dementia: who is at risk

The main cause of the disease – This is a CNS lesion that provokes diseases that lead to the death of brain cells or their degeneration. There are also a number of diseases in which dementia acts as a complication:

•    stroke;

•    head injuries;

•    endocrine pathologies;

•    alcoholism;

•    renal failure;

•    high blood pressure;

•    lupus erythematosus;

•    CNS neoplasms;

•    autoimmune pathologies;

•    infections such as meningitis, AIDS, etc.

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Dementia is promoted by elevated blood sugar levels, obesity, heredity and lack of active intellectual activity.

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The main types of dementia: what are they

Dementia is divided into 3 main groups:

•    Alzheimer's, which develops in connection with the primary process of degeneration in the nervous system;

•    vascular group, which acts as a secondary disease, where the main – these are diseases associated with the brain, or rather with failures in its full blood circulation;

•    mixed, when both developmental mechanisms are present at the basis of dementia.

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There are 2 types of dementia based on clinical features:

•    lacunar, when the lesion is aimed at destroying the structures responsible for the patient's intellect, there is a violation of short-term memory, but at the same time there is criticism of one's condition;

•    total, when it comes to the complete disintegration of the personality, the absence of any values.

We told what dementia is, what kind of disease it is. This is a serious disorder of the brain. Ultimately, it leads to the disintegration of the personality, if the disease is completely started. Therefore, the first signs should alert and cause a visit to a specialist, because timely treatment can slow down the development of dementia.

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