Техника мгновенного действия: как подтянуть лицо в домашних условиях


A beautiful and young face at any age – every woman's dream. This is what the huge cosmetic industry, as well as plastic medicine, is aimed at. However, it is not necessary to resort to radical methods in order to make the face attractive and young. We offer you a unique technique of how to tighten the skin of the face at home, which consists in a special massage.

The editors of estet-portal.com will tell you in detail how to do this procedure at home. No financial investment is required on your part – step-by-step instructions only. 


A unique technique, which will be described later, will help you quickly tidy up the skin of the face and neck. This is a set of exercises consisting of massage movements, impact on certain points of the face. It has become widespread among women from around the world. With this facelift, you will achieve the desired result without invasive cosmetic procedures or surgeries.


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Method Benefits:

relieves tension and swelling;

  • increases muscle elasticity;

  • normalizes complexion;

  • it only takes ten minutes a day;

  • no additional cosmetics needed.

Read also: Circular facelift and SMAS lifting – features of methods Instant result – tightened and refreshed face, rejuvenated skin. During such a massage, make sure that the movements are accurate, and the pressure – moderate. Excessive force can cause injury to the skin. For better gliding of your fingers, use a cosmetic facial emulsion or cream that you use regularly. Do this massage

morning and evening.  Facelift: how to do it right 

The complex consists of four exercises, each of which has several stages. Do and alternately as described below.


Start by stretching the anterior neck muscles by wrapping your arms around the center of your collarbone. Lift your chin up and stay in this position for 5 seconds. A protruding tongue can enhance the stretching effect.


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Facebook! Create a beautiful oval face without a "second chin" the second exercise will help. Grasp the bottom of the chin with the index and thumb of the face. With sliding movements, pull the skin to the right ear. Do the same movement to the left side. Do ten repetitions, then massage the hollows behind the ears with your fingers.



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The third exercise is aimed at relaxing the muscles that are involved in chewing. All
s are done in three steps:

Hold your fingers
where the cheekbones meet the temporomandibular joint. Make circular motions towards the ear – you need 20 such approaches.
open your mouth a little
, keeping your fingers in the same place, and pronounce the vowel sounds in full voice. Place your palms on your temple
so that they touch your hair, thumbs behind your ears. Make pulling movements upward, sliding over the skin. You should feel as if the skin is lifting up. Do ten sets.
  Read also:

The perfect facelift according to world-famous plastic surgeon Oscar Ramirez


The fourth exercise is designed to tighten and relax the muscles of the cheekbones, increase blood circulation.

Do this:

Keep your index, middle and ring fingers near the nostrils, press them well. With light pressure, make sliding movements from the nostrils to the cheekbones, then – to the temples. Do 20 sets.


  1. Place your palms on your cheekbones and press firmly against the skin. How would you raise your cheekbones – you should feel the movement of the skin. do these 10 sets.
  2. Read also:
How Rhytidectomy Can Rejuvenate Your Face by 10 Years



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The main thing in performing such a massage – regularity. If you devote time to such manipulations every day, you will notice how the skin has changed – wrinkles will be reduced, complexion will improve, swelling will go away.


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