The fact that our body is the lion's share of water, – in itself is already a strong argument in favor of proper hydration of the body. There are a number of good reasons why drinking water every day helps to strengthen the defenses, improves digestion, helps to get rid of various diseases faster, maintains beautiful skin, etc. However, it is necessary not only to understand that you need to drink water daily, it is important to know how to drink water correctly throughout the day. You can find out the answer to this question from the article prepared for you by
Why is it important to know how to drink water during the day
It is necessary to replenish water reserves in the body throughout the day. A person who knows how to properly drink water throughout the day will be able to enjoy the following benefits:
- digestion improvement – the process by which the body extracts nutrients from food and effectively eliminates unnecessary substances;
- maintaining a healthy weight – this advantage is due to two factors: improved digestion and the fact that sometimes we are able to mistake a feeling of thirst for a feeling of hunger (which is why we reach not for a glass of water, but for a plate of not always healthy food);
- effective detoxification – water facilitates the task of the body's natural detoxification system, of which the liver and kidneys are part, as a result of which dangerous substances do not linger for a long time in these organs and other body systems;
- natural blood thinning – such blood circulates more easily through the body, and it is easier for the liver to filter it from harmful substances.
Calculating the amount of water needed by a healthy person is simple: 38 ml of water is required for 1 kg of your weight.
How to drink water throughout the day for maximum benefit
There are several recommendations on how to drink water throughout the day in order to bring maximum benefit to the body, namely:
- After waking up.
You can activate the work of internal organs, wake up the whole body, notifying it of the beginning of a new day, by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach. Unfortunately, many people prefer to drink a cup of coffee or tea to cheer up. However, coffee eventually deprives the body of water and leads to an increase in blood viscosity. Water (especially if you add honey or lemon to it) will not bring the body anything but good.
- Before meals
A glass of water taken half an hour before a meal:
- reduces the likelihood of overeating;
- prepares the digestive tract for digestion: stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and bile.
- Before and after physical activity
Physical activity – one of the pillars on which the optimal health and well-being of a person rests.
Drinking water before and after exercise protects the body from dehydration and allows the liver to deal with toxins more efficiently.
- Before bed
The body needs water to detoxify during sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, it is still worth drinking water. However, how much time before going to bed it is desirable to drink the last glass of water depends on the characteristics of the organism. So, if you are prone to emptying your bladder at night, you may want to refrain from drinking water before bed.
- After meals
Not immediately after eating, but an hour or two after you ate. warns: pregnant women, people prone to swelling, as well as people with chronic diseases, should definitely consult a doctor about water intake (both its amount and the time at which it is desirable to do this). Also, the amount of water that the body needs can depend on the weather (the hotter, the more), the intensity of physical activity and the feeling of thirst. Listen to your body and be healthy!
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