Diet and Nutrition

12 Powerful Natural Foods to Improve Memory

12 действенных натуральных продуктов для улучшения памяти

Every day you take care of your body, hair, teeth, put your figure in order. But what about memory? Almost every one of us has experienced memory loss. At such moments, the question immediately arises: how can you improve your memory, make sure that elementary things do not fly out of your head at the most inopportune moment. In addition to expensive medicines, you can also pick up affordable, and most importantly effective natural products to improve memory. And will help you with this.

Why there are memory problems

If you are experiencing such problems: you forget necessary things, find it difficult to remember important information, you cannot memorize or memorize text, then it's time to look for the cause of memory impairment.

  1. Nervous disorders. Stress and depression complicate the perception of the outside world, which negatively affects memory.
  2. Medications. Some medications (antihistamines, anesthetics, diet pills, blood pressure medications) can dull the brain, and memory suffers as a result.
  3. Hormonal changes in the form of pregnancy or menopause.
  4. Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep affects the functioning of the brain and entails not only problems with remembering information, but also changes in reflexes.
  5. Hypertension. People over the age of 45 who suffer from hypertension often have cognitive problems (memory loss, decreased mental performance).
  6. Diabetes mellitus negatively affects the blood vessels (blood is difficult to reach the brain).
  7. Bad habits. This, of course, is smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.
  8. Brain lesions.

A sharp decrease in memory can be one of the symptoms of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis. In this case, do not delay the visit to the neurologist.

Effective methods improve memory quickly and permanently

What kind of products are these that can help save memory? From the options below, choose the most suitable for you and be healthy.

  • Nuts – a wonderful snack or snack, but their role does not end there. They contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (antidepressants), folic acid, and vitamins. All these elements nourish the brain and increase efficiency.
  • Omega-3. It saturates the brain with oxygen, which, of course, has a positive effect on the assimilation and memorization of new information.


  • Chocolate, more precisely cocoa powder, improves blood flow to the brain.
  • Blueberries have a positive effect on the quality of memory (especially for older people).


  • Dark grapes are similar to blueberries in their memory enhancing properties.
  • Rosemary saturates the brain with oxygen, stimulates its work.


  • Fresh ginger as a seasoning for salads, sauces, tea: tasty and healthy.
  • Caffeine helps to concentrate, increases efficiency, activates the brain.


  • Grapefruit and orange juice. Tones and helps focus.
  • Honey – an excellent product for the treatment and prevention of various organs, and memory – not an exception. Eat 3-4 tbsp. spoons of honey a day instead of sugar.


  • Red rowan bark cleanses blood vessels, improves memory. Boil one tablespoon of bark in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. During the night, the infused broth can be taken 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day. Course – 3-4 weeks twice a year.
  • Sage (pour a handful of herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist a little before use).


By using foods to improve memory, you will improve the condition of the whole organism. To prevent memory loss, try to learn poetry, do needlework, put together puzzles or solve crossword puzzles as a prevention of sclerosis. By adhering to these recommendations, you can prevent memory decline and maintain a clear mind even in old age. As you train your body, don't forget to train your brain.

  • Comments (1)

    25 января 2018, 05:13

    Употребление куркумы поможет улучшению памяти и настроения

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