We are accustomed to force ourselves to go to the gyms to prevent the muscles of the body from completely sagging. But at the same time, we forget that the brain, just like all other muscles, needs training. True, instead of simulators, you will have to use puzzles, instead of jogging — memorization of verses, and only for concentration of attention — and completely use the method of Sherlock Holmes, who claimed that it was the little things that helped to restore the picture of the surrounding events.

Such a simple fitness workout will speed up the process of solving everyday tasks, improve memory and noticeably increase concentration.

Brainstorming: Discard unnecessary information

Only one area of ​​the brain is responsible for making decisions — frontal lobe. Increasing its effectiveness means the correctness of decisions, the clarity of logic and the clarity of thought. To do this, follow these rules.

Don't spray. The desire, like Caesar, to do several things at the same time is commendable, but the constant jumping from one to another threatens to decline & nbsp; productivity.

  • Train your brain to long-term concentration. Schedule all tasks in order of priority and think about the solution to each for at least 15 minutes.

Take a break. Athletes know: muscles need time to rest after training. This allows them to recover and strengthen. This rule applies to the brain as well. He works more efficiently if he gets a break from time to time.

  • Agatha Christie admitted that the best stories for her books arose while washing dishes. And American scientists confirm: the brain is better included in the work when we are frankly idle. Conclusion: don't load your brain.

Filter information. We live in a state of continuous information attack. Meanwhile, the oversaturation of information deprives the brain of the ability to make correct decisions.

  • Ignoring unnecessary tasks — easy way to reset your brain. Do not read emails that are not directly related to your activities, or do not respond to messages that do not interest you. Gradually, it will clear up in my head, and the tasks will be concretized.

Girl memory: how sport improves brain function 

You don't remember where you put your car keys, and searching for a notebook puts your whole family into a trance? Well, the ability to remember everything — it is a skill that can be developed at any time.

Remember. Saying the phone number, we divide the numbers into several groups. Try to name one after the other. Our brain, faced with any set of numbers, remembers the first and last. The same exercise, but with a list of groceries: divide them into those that you should buy in different departments (for example, in the grocery and separately in the dairy department), and memorize the first six names from each list.

You need to know the places. During our lives, we spend about a year looking for things. Want to make the most of this time? The next time you throw your keys on the windowsill, imagine it lighting up. This way you will always accurately locate the item you need.

"Name, sister, name." You can’t remember the name of a new colleague in any way, and you confuse the patronymic of the boss every time. To prevent this from happening, say his name at the beginning and end of the conversation. Saying the name out loud, we thereby activate the part of the brain responsible for pronunciation, and the muscles of the mouth. And we devote time to the interlocutor.

Get rid of the routine. The brain slows down at first, & nbsp; when he is offered unfamiliar activities, but then learns to quickly cope with the tasks.

The speed of thought processes by 20% depends on how the blood pumped by the heart enters the brain. In this regard, circuit training is preferable, in which there are cardio loads. Changing exercises will not let the brain get bored and will make it work better.

Give up autopilot. We do most of the things that way: we go to work along a familiar route, from there — home, on the way we go to the same shops. And the brain starts to get bored. But, in order for him to act, it is necessary to throw him more and more new tasks. Change, for example, a familiar route or a habitual pastime in the evening. This will keep the brain in good shape.

Learn. Are you going abroad? Learn some catchy phrases. Want to impress your interlocutor? Recite the verses of your favorite poets (and for this, learn them by heart in advance). Do you want to play preference?

Another great method to develop mindfulness. The study of everything new starts motor processes in the body, which leads to an increase in the density of gray matter. And this can not but affect the intellectual abilities in general. Positive.

Memory Test:

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