Виды отбеливания зубов: стоит ли пользоваться отбеливающими лаками

Modern beauty standards literally impose on us the stereotype that white teeth — healthy teeth. However, tooth enamel becomes thinner and darker over time, this is a natural and irreversible process. Also, the appearance of the teeth is affected by plaque, which is constantly formed and consists of the waste products of bacteria, mucosal cells, protein particles of saliva. What types of teeth whitening can affect their color and whether it to be zealous in whitening, we'll figure it out in this article.

Varnish for instant teeth whitening — miracle drug or another dummy

Proper nutrition, good oral hygiene and regular dental visits will help keep your enamel in good condition. But this must be done all the time, and you want a quick wow effect. Demand will not remain without supply, and now we are already being offered varnishes for instant teeth whitening. What manufacturers promise:

  • instant lightening by 10 tones;

  • possibility to use at home;

  • tool security;

  • improvement and  strengthening of tooth enamel;

  • lasting results within hours.

In fact, these products simply paint over the teeth. For ease of application, they are available in bottles with a brush (similar to liquid correctors). The idea of ​​applying white paint to  teeth only in theory seems attractive, in fact it is impossible to apply the coating evenly and without stripes. Imagine how "beautiful" a manicure white varnish would look on teeth. This same result you will get from these tools.

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Even if you manage to evenly paint over the upper and lower teeth, dry the coating (smile for a few minutes, do not close your lips, do not touch the lower teeth with your upper teeth), then the first bite will erase part of the enamel. The only thing you can use these polishes for — take a couple of photos from afar, on which your smile will really be snow-white. Is is it worth paying for a few hundred, and and and thousands — — it's up to you.

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Types of teeth whitening: TOP-5 effective ways

It should be noted that some home whitening products can actually whiten teeth. Not by 10 tones, of course, but noticeable, especially for smokers and coffee lovers. There are a lot of products with such an effect on the market, and they can be called differently, but in fact, all types of teeth whitening at home come down to dissolution and removal of plaque. You can do this with using the following tools:

  • Mouthguards with whitening gel. You can buy mouthguards at a pharmacy or order from an orthodontist (in this case, they will accurately repeat the bite). The principle of operation is simple: the cap is filled with gel, put on teeth and remains on them for some time. The composition of the gel contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which gradually dissolves deposits. Effectively and evenly whitens teeth in several days.

  • Whitening strips. Transparent and  thin strips with applied with peroxide are glued to teeth and removed after the time specified in the instruction (from 5-10 minutes to half an hour). The effect is noticeable after several treatments and lasts up to 6 months.

  • Whitening Pen/Gel. The product itself is housed in a case with a brush, it is very convenient to apply just the right amount of gel to teeth. After 5-10 minutes, the gel must be washed off or brushed off with a toothbrush. It freshens breath well, dissolves soft plaque, gradually restores the natural shade of enamel.

  • Teeth whitening systems. The kits include caps, gel and an LED lamp that activates the start of a chemical reaction. The main difference from usual caps with whitening gel — the intensity of the reaction, such systems allow you to carry out the bleaching procedure in a few minutes.

  • Whitening Toothpastes. The easiest and safest way to whiten your teeth — use professional whitening toothpastes. They contain papain or bromelain, these plant enzymes break down the sticky, proteinaceous compounds in plaque and gradually remove it from teeth. Mild abrasive ingredients remove food debris and prevent new deposits from forming.

You can whiten your teeth at home, but only if there is no enamel damage, carious cavities, gum disease. Otherwise, any kind of teeth whitening is contraindicated. The procedure will do more harm than good, yes and to endure it will be hard — peroxide causes a burning sensation when it comes into contact with damaged tissues.

Read also: Contraindications for teeth whitening: health or Hollywood smile

How to whiten teeth with folk remedies

If plaque can be dissolved, then why not do it with improvised means? Logic dictates that you can take hydrogen peroxide in the first aid kit and use it instead of expensive whitening caps. Or brush your teeth with soda, it will both mechanically clean and dissolve plaque. But in fact in fact, this way you can damage the enamel even more, provoke inflammation of the gums. Relatively safe types of teeth whitening are:

  • Tea Tree Oil. Put a couple of drops on your toothbrush and brush your teeth, this oil disinfects, slows down the process of plaque formation, freshens breath.

  • Lemon Peel. Contains plaque-dissolving active ingredients and acid. Also, the zest has a slight disinfecting effect, prevents the growth of bacteria.

  • Kiwi, strawberry and pineapple. They contain plant enzymes that break down plaque. The pulp of the fruit should be held in the mouth 2-3 minutes, then brush your teeth with a regular toothpaste.

  • Chamomile decoction. Suitable for for those who have increased tooth sensitivity and any acidic foods cause discomfort. Chamomile prevents the growth of bacteria, reduces soreness of the teeth, heals the gums.

Home whitening methods can rather be called supportive. They will not help those who have tartar or the enamel has darkened very much due to smoking and the use of coloring products. But to maintain the whiteness of the enamel after professional bleaching it is quite possible.

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It turns out that there are enough ways to make teeth whiter: from a simple "paint over" them, to professional dentine whitening. However, the color of the teeth — not  an indicator of their health, so the main thing is to visit the dentist regularly, and not rub your teeth with soda or smear with varnish. Only in this way will your smile be truly beautiful.

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