Medicine and treatment

Dr. Fereydun Batmangelidj's Water Therapy: Flush Diseases Out of the Body

Водная терапия доктора Ферейдуна Батмангелиджа: вымойте болезни из организма

Sometimes even minor, at first glance, changes in lifestyle have a strong impact on health. Some people cannot afford to limit themselves to food and other not-so-healthy pleasures, but such a simple habit as drinking water can & nbsp; at times improve your well-being and protect you from a number of diseases. will tell you when and why it is useful to drink water, as well as how water therapy can prevent the development of various diseases and improve your condition.  

Water Therapy – take health as a habit

The secret of water therapy is simple – you just need to drink water at the right time and in the right amount and do it regularly. If you remember the healing water once or twice a week, do not expect much effect. Make it a habit to drink water every day – and enjoy a long and healthy life.

Many people are unaware that diseases literally run from the water. But the Japanese have known this for a long time – the so-called Japanese water therapy is gaining more and more followers around the world, because among the Japanese are the most centenarians in the world.

Water therapy rules: when and how much water to drink

Japanese Water Therapy Rules:

  • Immediately after waking up, without brushing your teeth, drink 640 ml of warm clean water (because toothpaste contains fluoride, drinking and eating after brushing your teeth will maximize the amount of fluoride entering the body, which is harmful to health);
  • brush your teeth;
  • do not drink or eat for 45-50 minutes after brushing your teeth;
  • start a leisurely breakfast (eating on the fly leads to the deposition of unnecessary fat);
  • do not eat anything for 2 hours after breakfast;
  • you can drink warm water or tea during meals, it is advisable not to drink within an hour or two after eating;
  • a glass of water while taking a bath (for those who like such procedures);
  • a glass of water before bed (if the kidneys are working properly)

Water therapy: how not to harm yourself

Many people who hear about Japanese water therapy ask the following questions:

  1. What do you do if you can't drink that much water at once?

The answer is simple: do not try to infuse into the body something that does not suit it. You can start water therapy with the amount of water that you can drink without experiencing discomfort: for example, a glass or two. Over time, gradually increase the dose of water to the desired amount. See point 2 below for the optimal amount of water.    

  1. Why should people of different weights, body types, and health conditions drink the same amount of water?

vodnaya-terapiya-doktora-ferejduna-batmangelidzha-vymojte-bolezni-iz-organizmaDr. Fereydun Batmangelidj is known for considering the lack of water in the body to be the source of all diseases. Of course, this is not entirely true, but there is some truth in the words of Batmangelinge – Lack of water really negatively affects the state of the whole organism. Therefore, the doctor recommended (and today it is considered the norm) as a water therapy to drink daily the amount of water corresponding to 3% of body weight (ie, at the rate of 30 g of water per 1 kg of body weight). The doctor also urged to give up alcoholic, carbonated drinks, caffeine, and eat salt with food at the rate of half a teaspoon for about 2 liters of water.

Also, a glass of lukewarm water with lemon and/or honey. warns: despite all the benefits of water therapy, it must be remembered that not everyone's kidneys work equally well – for example, they may not have time to remove water. Therefore, self-treatment without consulting a specialist can be dangerous! 

If you drink a glass of water at night and wake up in the morning with swelling on your face, check with a specialist – perhaps your kidneys (or other equally important organs) are not working properly.

  • Comments (2)

    14 июня 2017, 14:50

    Очень важно пить достаточное количество чистой воды! К сожалению, многие женщины отказываются от этих рекомендаций, особенно во время сидения на различного вида диетах - мол, от воды организм отекает. Но ведь это совсем не так! И даже если жидкость и уйдет из организма при таком режиме, то качество кожи ухудшится, внутренние органы станут хуже работать. И это лишь старт изменений. По себе могу сказать, что как только я стала выпивать около 2л чистой воды в сутки, то уже за первую неделю сбросила почти 4 кг! А когда подключила еще и прием пробиотиков (пью Гармонию), то результат стал еще лучше! При этом, никакими изнуряющими диетами я себя не мучаю - просто не ем сладкого после 15-00 и стараюсь не употреблять жирное и жаренное. Да, конечно, сильно себя ограничивая можно скорее расстаться с лишними жировыми отложениями, но моя основная цель остаться здоровой!

  • Comments (2)

    14 июня 2017, 14:52

    Именно поэтому я категорически против разнообразных монодиет строгих, где надо несколько дней сидеть только на гречке или яблоках. Если говорить о здоровье - максимальны отказ от продуктов, которые продаются в магазинах (т.е. полуфабрикатов) даст огромную пользу всем системам и органам. Да, придется тратить больше времени на готовку, но оно того стоит. Кстати, вы замечали, что наиболее полезные блюда имеют малое количество составляющих частей и готовятся достаточно просто? Возможно, мы просто усложняем себе жизнь всеми этими кулинарными изысками...

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