Вопросы к диетологу: как правильно питаться, чтобы это приносило удовольствие

"Weight loss is always difficult, long and not tasty" consider many women who have experienced at least one diet.  This statement is absolutely wrong. In order to lose weight healthy, a woman should enjoy meals, as tasty food is better absorbed. We talked about how to eat right so that it was tasty with nutritionist Oksana Skitalinsko th. Read in the material estet-portal.com whether it is enough to eat right for a healthy lifestyle and whether there are patients who cannot be taught proper nutrition.

You are a nutritionist, can you explain why many people startle at the word diet?

O.S. They shudder because the meaning of diets, in the understanding of the layman, is distorted: these are, not confirmed by any scientific evidence, sheer prohibitions, restrictions, blind adherence to prescriptions, hunger torment and generally ineffective occupation. I, as a dietitian, can say that, undoubtedly, dieting is a personal matter for everyone, but before making a decision, you need to determine what you want to achieve and create an individual diet for yourself. There is no diet for everyone and immediately from everything.

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How to eat right? Maybe there is some exercise to learn PP?

O.S. How to eat right is a very good question. In order for the diet to give the expected effects - normalization of weight, fresh look, energy, good mood, concentration of attention, and also be a real prevention of diseases, it must comply with the following rules:

a) be understandable by mechanism - that is, conscious diet planning, cooking, nutrition according to a certain regimen and in certain volumes, optimal combination and heat treatment;

b) satiate well - understanding key food groups is also important here, and understanding what is more and what is less satiating. What needs to be added to achieve a feeling of satiety. You need to have an understanding of the glycemic index and glycemic load, the role of fiber.

c) be delicious - because tasty food is both better digested and more beneficial.
As a dietitian, do you think that just eating right is enough for a healthy lifestyle? H2

This is already a lot, but not enough. For example, if we eat right, but lead a very sedentary lifestyle, sleep for 5 hours, smoke, are constantly under stress, then the result can be crossed out.

It is important to understand that "how to eat right" and "how to lead a healthy lifestyle" - concepts are similar, but not the same.

Physical inactivity provokes inflammatory processes in the body, increases the risk of insulin resistance, since only muscle activity improves the entry of glucose into cells and its proper use and is an effective prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Chronic lack of sleep is the cause of increased synthesis of stress hormones, in particular cortisol, the excess of which leads to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, an increase in the permeability of the intestinal wall and the development of the so-called "leaky gut" syndrome. The consequences of such disorders are autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, the development of irritable bowel syndrome, in which the motor activity of the intestine is disturbed, problems with the skin, thyroid gland, and mood.

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Are there patients who cannot be taught how to eat right?

O.S. You can teach everyone how to eat right, but not everyone can have knowledge and willpower, and even more so use them.
Motivation plays the main role: why do I need it? Most people, unfortunately, are slaves to their stomachs. They are well aware that eating sweets, fatty and fried foods is harmful, but they still eat. Or, even worse, they decide to lose weight by a certain date, for example, for a solemn event, and then again eat whatever they want. Well, or, having achieved the desired result, relax.

Proper nutrition is not for a day, not even for a year, it is a daily choice.

О.С. Thus, a diet is something that each person chooses for himself, depending on why you need it and what results you want to achieve. It is important to remember that proper nutrition cannot last for any specific period of time, as this will not make sense. And in order to bring the desired results, PP must become a way of life, a habit.

Also, it is worth noting that the prevailing stereotypes about diets are not confirmed in any way and are absolutely not believable. Diet – it's delicious, understandable and healthy.

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