Вред голодания: как не навредить организму в попытках оздоровиться

Health systems based on fasting are very popular today. According to the adherents of such methods, hunger provides cleansing of the body at the cellular level, starts the processes of tissue repair and helps to get rid of the most terrible diseases. But  health experts are not so optimistic and think that the harm of fasting, if used incorrectly, outweighs any benefits.

The harm of fasting if this technique is used incorrectly

Most often, physicians face the consequences of violating the key principles of fasting systems:

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  • No prior consultation with a doctor. This is very important, as fasting can exacerbate chronic diseases (and this happens much more often than fasting adepts mention). In addition, there are many contraindications to such healing methods, including pregnancy, anemia, hepatitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestinal atony, and many others. When fasting against the background of such diseases and conditions, the consequences can be extremely severe.

  • Fasting to treat obesity. It is logical to assume that the absence of food will force the body to consume its own fat reserves to maintain vital functions. This is true, but subcutaneous fat — it's not only a source of energy, but and a storehouse of toxins, which the liver and cannot handle with and the liver and kidneys. Accordingly, when fat cells are broken down into the blood, such harmful compounds are released that can cause irreparable harm to health. But & nbsp; even if everything goes without serious consequences, in & nbsp; 95 & nbsp; cases out of & nbsp; 100, the lost kilograms will return. Because the body "remembers" the absence of food as a potential threat and nbsp;"decides" save as much as you eat.

  • Incorrect way out of fasting.Such a violation very often leads to critical consequences for health and even life, especially if fasting lasted more 2-3 days.  In the intestinal tract, all functions slow down, and peristalsis stops completely. And if, against the background of such a state of the digestive system, it is incorrectly«activated», the likelihood of developing acute intestinal obstruction, gastric bleeding and other conditions requiring emergency medical care increases sharply.

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But these consequences of improper fasting can be eliminated, and health can be made stronger if you use a rational and balanced approach to this health system.

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How to make fasting healthy

 Each fasting system has its own nuances, which in one way or another are designed to increase the effectiveness of recovery. But the key rules remain:

  • Be sure to consult your doctor. Even a minimal examination will eliminate the most severe health risks. In addition, the specialist will give useful tips and recommendations that will increase the effectiveness of fasting, depending on your goals (weight loss, detoxification, elimination of joint problems or other health conditions).

  • Slowly enter starvation.Never refuse food abruptly and for long periods of time. The first fasting should last no more than 12 hours, and only in the absence of adverse events, the duration of "hungry" periods can be increased to 1-2 days. Longer fasting can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

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  • Don't do "dry fasts" at at home conditions. Fasting, implying refusal not only of food, but and of water for for more than 2 days, can be carried out only in inpatient conditions and only under medical supervision. This is due to the fact that such cleansing and healing techniques can lead to severe kidney problems, increase blood viscosity and lead to the formation of blood clots and cause a number of other complications. Therefore, long-term fasting on "dry" method can be used solely for medical indications, and in in no case in 

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  • Get out of fasting properly.Even if the fasting period was 12 hours, you cannot return to normal diet immediately. You need to start getting out of fasting with herbal tea, which is consumed in small amounts for 2-4 hours and "starts" Gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, after which you can start drinking whey or low-fat kefir in small portions, and only when there are signs of bowel function (seething, passing gases, etc.) and in the absence of any unpleasant symptoms, you can start eating mashed vegetables soup. And you may return to the normal menu no earlier than 2-3 

Follow us on Telegram And it's important to remember that fasting — it's stress. Therefore, you should start this method of healing on the weekends or during the holidays, when nothing will distract or annoy you, and will allow you to control your well-being.

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