Женские интимные проблемы: все, что Вы хотели знать

It is very important for any woman to feel harmony and comfort with her own body. Not always, when faced with problems of a certain nature, ladies turn to a qualified specialist for help. But in vain! Hiding intimate problems later can lead to undesirable results from the inability to enjoy sex to infertility, emphasizes estet-portal.com.

Therefore, today we will try to consider some of the most common situations that are not customary to talk about out loud.

Women's intimate problems

We will tell you about several intimate problems encountered in women aged 20 to 50 years. Unpleasant symptoms of such manifestations give us a lot of trouble, unsettle us. Also, their presence interferes with a harmonious sexual life and communication with the opposite sex. In this article, you will learn how to recognize and resolve the following issues:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Urinary tract infections and their prevention

For the most part, twenty-year-old girls are more sexually active than their older girlfriends. And sexual intimacy, by the way, gives pleasure not only to the lovers themselves, but also to microorganisms that live on the skin near intimate places. During proximity, microorganisms have a great opportunity to explore new territories – rise to the urethra and actively multiply there. Resulting in:

  • inflammation of the urethra (urethritis);
  • bladder (cystitis);
  • calices and pelvises of the kidneys (pyelonephritis).

The development of these diseases depends on how far the conquering microbes have traveled.

Most often, young women experience cystitis, which is characterized by frequent and painful urination.

This disease practically does not occur in men, since the female urethra (urethra) is shorter and wider than the male one, which makes it easier for various pathogens to pass through, and these can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, and representatives of conditionally pathogenic flora (intestinal coli, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.).

Read also: Thrush: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Prevention of urinary tract infections

In order not to have to move to the toilet and suffer from pain, you must first of all follow the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, try to follow these guidelines:

  1. After sex, it is advisable to empty the bladder – in this way, most of the bacteria accumulated in the urethra are eliminated.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to keep your bladder well-flushed.
  3. Go to the toilet "in a small way" at the first urge, do not endure until the last.
  4. Choose cotton underwear, it provides air access, while synthetics will create a "greenhouse effect", and moisture and heat are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
  5. To prevent cystitis, you can drink a glass of cranberry juice a day or take cranberries in capsules, advises estet-portal.com. These miracle berries contain a unique antioxidant, proanthocyanidin, which prevents bacteria from "hooking" on behind the walls of the bladder.


If you have already met with cystitis, do not self-medicate. Among the many pharmaceutical products, it is difficult to figure it out on your own. Therefore, a doctor should select a drug that will help cope with urinary tract infections.

Sexually transmitted diseases and their prevention

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can happen at any age, but still most often get acquainted with them around the age of 20. Girls are in search, meet young men, disperse and often they are not even aware of the "gift" that the next lover presented. After all, some diseases, for example, chlamydia, develop asymptomatically, but do not pass without a trace.

So far, mankind has not come up with a better protection against STDs than a condom. We will not discuss whether a condom reduces sensuality or interferes with love games. The main thing is that it protects both from unplanned pregnancy, and from various diseases.

Read also: Beware – genital herpes!

STI prevention in women

But if you had "dangerous" sex, and some time after it the following symptoms appeared, immediately consult a gynecologist. Symptoms of a possible sexually transmitted infection include:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • unusual discharge;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • rash in intimate places.

In no case should you hope for a chance, timely treatment will save your health and prevent possible negative consequences.

After all, untreated infections penetrate into the small pelvis, and an adhesive process occurs in it. Adhesions provoke pain during intercourse, and even infertility. It is known that the infection can enter our body not only during unprotected sex. Therefore, if you suddenly experience the symptoms described above, contacting a specialist should not be shelved.

Irregular menstruation

At 20 – 30 years of irregular periods, a sharp weight gain, the appearance of facial hair and their active loss on the head often indicate the game of raging male sex hormones androgens. All these symptoms, plus acne before menstruation and frequent pain in the lower abdomen develop with polycystic ovaries. As a rule, the disease is hidden, and it is revealed when a couple goes to the doctors with a problem of infertility.


Hormonal imbalance and as a result – elevated levels of androgens – this is not the only culprit of PCOS. Gynecologists "blame" other diseases that lead to infertility, such as chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system. It can be cystitis or adnexitis, which eventually causes inflammation of the ovaries and the formation of cysts on them. Another threat to women's health, including an obstacle to the birth of a baby:

  • infectious diseases of the fallopian tubes,
  • salpingitis,
  • frequent infectious diseases

lead to the destruction of pipes and their patency is difficult.

In older women, except for premenopause, irregular or prolonged bleeding can be triggered by polyps (benign formations on the cervix or in the uterus itself). Polyps, like polycystic disease, often appear against the background of chronic inflammation of hormonal imbalance.

What to do with polycystic ovaries

Earlier, the treatment of polycystic disease was unambiguous – removal of cysts. Modern medicine offers a more humane version – hormone therapy. Contraceptives reduce the activity of male sex hormones and make up for the lack of female (estrogen). But the polyps will have to be removed to avoid their possible rebirth.


You can prevent the development of polycystic disease and the appearance of polyps by detecting and treating inflammation in time, correcting hormonal disorders. To do this, listen to your body and consult a doctor at the first SOS signals, such as:

  • Irregular cycle;
  • Appearance of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Head loss;
  • Acne before menstruation;
  • Appearance of facial hair.

Of course, these are not all the intimate problems that women may have. But all of them are united by the fact that if you experience discomfort and even hints of a possible disease, you should consult a doctor for a consultation. The main thing is not to be shy. After all, health is more expensive, supports estet-portal.com.

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