We are accustomed to treat with reverence the statements of famous people: politicians, scientists, artists, writers, etc. But at the same time, each of us will agree that all people without exception have the right to personal discoveries, regardless from social status, religious beliefs, etc. Often, much wiser thoughts are born in the minds of ordinary people than those recognized by all stars. And in fact, we live approximately identical lives, albeit at different levels. And, accordingly, life conclusions are about the same. estet-portal.com brings surprisingly simple, but at the same time wise thoughts of ordinary people that can be suitable for any age.

10 Wise Conclusions About Life From Ordinary People

Sometimes, in life we ​​have to fill a lot of bumps before we realize that we did something wrong. It happens that in time we come across the statements of people who are wise by experience. Often, one has only to listen to such words, and our personal "puzzle" develops. Wise sayings allow you to think about your own life, goals, opportunities and desires. They do not impose points of view, no conclusions, they do not teach how to live, but only talk about certain consequences of our behavior.

Wise sayings allow you to think about your own life, goals, opportunities and desires.

  1. There are no guarantees.

This is the main rule of the universe, guided by which all personal plans should be built.

  1. You need enough money not to think about it.

Wealth does not solve the basic question of humanity – Money alone has never made anyone happy. However, to live and not think constantly about where to get money, because there is always not enough of them – it means to have an excellent opportunity to release useful energy for other life processes.

  1. Addiction can only be cured by 100% rejection.

You can not sometimes smoke if a person is trying to part with this addiction. Can't "skip" a glass of wine, if a person – alcoholic. Thus, addiction manifests itself: a person is constantly twisted, a fall follows a rise, he breaks down. The so-called psychoenergetic hooks do not have semitones.

And this principle is indispensable for absolutely all addictions.


  1. Final total – this is the number of samples.

But not a single shot right on target. And definitely no luck in the long run.

  1. There is no such thing as laziness.

But only unloved activities, lack of energy and inability to see on a large scale, so that it will take your breath away from the opportunities that open up.

  1. A person is never 100% ready for change.

There are always important reasons that make us somewhat postpone this or that action until better times. However, as practice shows, it is useless to expect complete internal agreement: it is necessary to decide, focusing more on the fact that the time has come, and not on conditional readiness.  

  1. Even if you give up hope, faith and love, this "trinity" does not leave you.
  2. All the knowledge of the world and the universe – in front of you.

When entering the library, it is important to remember that "at your feet" lie all the knowledge of this world. And when you wake up in the morning, the whole universe opens up to you. Therefore, learn to see in the temple of knowledge not only bookshelves and meet not just another ordinary day.

  1. Unrealized opportunities are burdensome.

And it is useless to hide from this fact behind beautiful philosophical maxims (about motherhood, femininity, etc.) personally bred or belonging to some of the greats. All the same, for unrealized talent will be asked from each of us.

  1. "Yes" and "no" – these two answers should be learned as quickly as possible.

Saying "no" you need to learn, first of all, yourself – own phobias, internal disorganization, weakness. And only then – others who deserve this answer. And say yes circumstances, people, even if there are no guarantees, internal readiness, despite various situations.

In the life of each of us, sometimes there come moments when it is necessary to give an outlet to the accumulated questions, to clarify them, first of all, for ourselves. Then we often turn to the wise thoughts of other people for advice. Perhaps your life observations and experience will help someone in the future. Share them on estet-portal.com.

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