Как добиться успеха в жизни и стать финансово независимым человеком

It seems to many that the financial success of – this is the lot of the chosen ones, so to speak, lucky ones who are lucky in life to gain wealth by revealing the secret of success. There is nothing secret in this, everything that a person does brings him closer to the intended goal with small steps. There is no instant enrichment, in order to achieve success, you need to follow only a few principles and build your life according to these laws. Consider 3 principles on how to succeed in life. Not instantaneous, but clearly defined, passionately desired financial success.

How to Succeed in Life: Building Financial Independence

Between a person's imagination and the attainment of what they desire lies a space that a person can overcome only by his passionate aspiration. Gibran Khalil Gibran

To make sure the "golden" laws of success are correct, choose three famous personalities (geniuses, football players, writers) and analyze their lives from the very beginning from the side of these principles. You will understand that the tip of the iceberg is visible to others, and the core or base is hidden under water. Without this foundation, the iceberg will sink. How could the best football player become the favorite of the audience and earn millions, billions? Anyone will tell you that they worked for this goal every day and every minute, developing the habit of doing what they love!

Where to start planning for financial independence, how to succeed, being completely unsuccessful so far? So, we present 3 sides of financial success, but without which it is impossible to go from emptiness to the desired zeros in the bank account.

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Is there life without imagination and visualization? – The first key to success

If a person does not see the ultimate goal, he is blind, does not know where to go next, stupor and disappointment come. To stubbornly move forward, you need to clearly know what you want, what will happen as a result.

The aspiration must be confirmed by the imagination and the mental image of future prosperity will accompany in any difficulties.

And if there are difficulties, problems and tasks that would seem impossible, it is the visual image of financial success that will lead you to solve all problems.

How could a person create such an indispensable thing as a computer, an operating system, the Internet, a car, finally? Without a conscious understanding of what is missing in life, there is no real achievement of goals. There is a goal, there is an inner image, which means that resources and knowledge will come how to implement it. You just have to wait and move on to the next principle of financial independence and success.

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Experience – all head! – The second key to success

The easy life teaches nothing. And the main thing in us — it is the experience we have accumulated: what we have learned and how we have grown. Richard Bach.

Perhaps you are tired of the words that are written in every class in every school: Learn! To study! And again, learn! Without it, nowhere.

What is another way to get the knowledge of how to achieve financial success? Wealth and favor are based on knowledge acquired through years of hard work. It does not happen that in one day to earn money, then to spend a whole year. At the initial stage, you need to spend time and energy, and a lot to gain experience.

You say that there are people who suddenly became rich and successful like that, instantly. It will seem so at first glance, but you don’t know how much effort was put on the altar of success, what you had to endure, how much knowledge and experience is involved in order to climb to the top and shine overnight.

You can keep yourself within one area of ​​​​activity only if this business is your favorite pastime, which will never get bored. Only a passion for what you love will help keep you and direct you to gain experience in this area for more than one year.


Influencing and solving other people's problems. – 3 keys to success

You realize you have become an influence people when they begin to notice your absence more than the presence of others. Nassim Nicholas Taleb

By influence we mean helping and solving other people's problems, that is, influencing their lives. From the degree of influence, financial success also increases exponentially.

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If you want to achieve a small financial fortune, you need to solve the problems of a small number of people. If you aspire to huge success and financial rewards, you will need to solve the problems of many people and constantly grow in their eyes.

What does it mean to grow? Personal growth on the path to success is, if not in the first, then in the second place, that's for sure. You can't be successful unless you're learning new things to provide solutions to many people's problems.

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The more you grow, gain experience, the more knowledge you have, the greater your influence on people and financial success.

So, where does financial independence and success begin? With desire, intention, aspiration and visual image of a multi-million dollar bank account and success. Further, constant concentration on the image makes you do the thing that attracts you the most in life, from which you enjoy. Thus, a field of activity is defined in which you can influence people, solve their problems, improve their lives and receive financial rewards.

How to succeed in life? Follow these principles, make them laws for yourself and you will succeed! Maybe not today, but in the near future!

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