
Photoaging under the influence of ultraviolet radiation: basics for cosmetologists

Фотостарение под воздействием ультрафиолета: основы для косметологов

The impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin – it is one of those environmental factors that the body encounters on a daily basis. As you know, ultraviolet rays affect the skin even in the cold season, but ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous in summer, when the hot sun stimulates the processes of photoaging of the skin

Today, has prepared the most important information about photoaging for aesthetic medicine professionals. Find out how the skin reacts to UV exposure, which skin structures are affected by the sun's rays, and which categories of patients are most susceptible to photoaging. With this information, you will learn how to properly treat the manifestations of photoaging and slow down this process in the body.

Basic Principles of UV Photoaging

Premature, solar, free-radical or actinic aging – they are all synonyms for the same photoaging process.

Few people know, but exposure to ultraviolet radiation is necessary for the human body, because it is with the help of sunlight that the body produces important vitamin D, supports immunity, and even reduces the likelihood of certain skin diseases. However, the sun is safe for the human body only in small amounts, and its excess triggers "bad" effects in the body. processes, including photoaging process of the skin.

UV exposure:

  • ultraviolet effects on the skin: the mechanism of photoaging;
  • what factors contribute to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet;
  • Signs of photoaging of the skin due to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultraviolet exposure to the skin: the mechanism of photoaging

What happens to human skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation? An important feature of the sun's rays is their ability to cause damage in the deep layers of the skin. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, proteins, nucleic acids and lipid structures of the cell membrane are damaged. B  the response to radiation occurs peroxidation of cell membranes, and keratinocytes trigger the production of inflammatory cytokines, which lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the dermis. Absorbing light quanta, the molecules lose their stability and become aggressive, which leads to the formation of highly active oxygen species, free radicals and stable radical groups. In addition, under the influence of the sun, the activity of zinc-dependent metalloprotease enzymes increases,

What factors contribute to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet light

The question of when photoaging processes start in the body is individual for each person and depends on many factors. However, it is safe to say that the following factors contribute to a more aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays:

    frequent and prolonged exposure to open sunlight, as well as the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation in the solarium;
  • I, II and, to a lesser extent, III skin phototypes, in which the greatest damage to
  • keratinocytes;
  • hormonal changes in endocrine pathologies, as well as during puberty, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.


Signs of photoaging of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet light

It is the consequences of photoaging that cause patients to turn to cosmetologists, and in order to eliminate them correctly and effectively, a specialist must understand exactly how ultraviolet radiation affects the skin. Main signs of photoaging:

    dryness and flaking of the skin, the appearance of
  • areas of keratosis;
  • pigmentation and uneven complexion;
  • thickening of the skin as a result of chronic inflammation in its tissues;
  • flabbiness of the skin, loss of tone, elasticity and firmness;
  • premature formation of wrinkles and folds;
  • formation of
  • spider veins, «senile» acne, seborrheic keratoses and solar lentigines.
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin in excess can start the mechanisms of aging in the body early enough, as well as accelerate them.

Only a competent specialist who understands the levels at which ultraviolet affects the skin can effectively eliminate the manifestations of photoaging and slow down this process. Read more interesting articles on in the "Cosmetology" section. 

  • Comments (4)

    30 июля 2016, 20:07

    Вот не зря после активного отдыха на солнышке наношу вечером радевит))) он хорошо увлажняет кожу, снимает покраснение и вроде даже морщинки расправляет))

  • Comments (4)

    07 августа 2016, 12:21

    Вы радевитом только летом пользуетесь? Я слышала, что он вроде используется не только в качестве увлажняющего препарата.

  • Comments (4)

    15 августа 2016, 07:51

    [quote name="Алена"]Да нет, как только возникнет ощущение стянутости кожи на лице - делаю себе маску. Зимой иногда и курсом делаю неделю-другую. <br />Про другие его свойства не знаю. А что еще есть?[/quote]<br />Радевит вообще считается универсальным. Он и увлажняет (это Вы на себе испытали), и питает кожу. Кроме того, используется как средство от ожогов. Особенно хорош, если на солнышке перезагорали.

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The impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin in large quantities is the main cause of the development of skin photoaging processes.

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