Candida balanoposthitis is caused by a fungus from the genus Candida, which belongs to the conditionally pathogenic flora. The disease is rare, indicates reduced immunity or diabetes mellitus. The disease is common among men of the middle age group. Of these, 42.5% are the non-working population and sexually active men. There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. The chronic process is undulating with exacerbations 4 – 8 times a year. Almost always, candidal balanoposthitis is associated with balanitis. Read about the principles of diagnosis and treatment of this disease on in this article.
- Provoking factors of candidal balanoposthitis
- Early and late clinical symptoms of candidal balanoposthitis
- Candidal balanoposthitis: topical treatments
- Briefly about the possible complications of candidal balanoposthitista
Provoking factors of candidal balanoposthitis
Candidiasis balanoposthitis develops against the background of a fall in the body's defenses of a man. Due to the presence of an alkaline environment on the genitals, the causative agent of the disease is not activated very often. Therefore, the appearance of the disease should alert and encourage the attending doctor to conduct an in-depth examination, appoint a consultation with a therapist.
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Thrush in a man often develops against the background of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis.
Candidiasis balanoposthitis is provoked by the following factors:
- long-term and/or uncontrolled use of cytostatics, antibiotics, hormonal medications;
- mechanical injuries of the phallus;
- some somatic pathologies: hypovitaminosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia of various origins;
- overweight;
- severe prolonged stress, emotional stress;
- insufficient work of the thymus gland;
- promiscuous sex life without a condom, frequent change of partner;
- Phimosis and developmental anomalies of the foreskin;
- non-daily hygiene procedures;
- diabetes mellitus.
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Early and late clinical symptoms of candidal balanoposthitis
Early symptoms balanoposthitis include: redness, moderate local swelling and muffled itching of the foreskin. Redness diffuse, devoid of clear boundaries with healthy tissue. The head of the phallus hypersensitive, erection and sexual intercourse are difficult. After intercourse, soreness and discomfort appear.
In advanced cases of candidal balanoposthitis, a curdled coating is visible under the foreskin, usually a grayish-whitish color. It has a putrid or sour odor of moderate intensity.Later, if the treatment is not effective or is not available at all, films appear. When you try to remove them, they expose hyperemic tissue, which quickly ulcerates and becomes covered with erosions that are painful to the touch. Urination becomes a painful process, bringing a burning sensation along the urethra.
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Candida balanoposthitis: topical treatments
daily hygiene and change of underwear, which must be ironed with a hot iron, is important. It is not recommended to take a bath, only a shower, after which moisture is carefully removed from the genital area.
Candidiasis balanoposthitis is fought with medication. First of all, local treatment is prescribed: baths, applications, creams and / or ointments with antifungal action, washing the affected area with antiseptics.Mushrooms of the genus Candida quickly show resistance to drugs, therefore, a solution of methylene blue (blue) is used.
Further prescribed
antifungal drugs in tablets. They have a systemic effect, which will allow you to get rid of both the pathogen and the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The doctor gives dietary recommendations: for the entire course of treatment, exclude spicy, pickled dishes, fast food, smoked meats.
As a last resort, the treatment of the disease can be surgery – circumcision. It is resorted to if balanoposthitis is associated with severe phimosis.
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Briefly about possible complications of candidal balanoposthitis
Candidiasis balanoposthitis requires the appointment ofadequate treatment. In order to avoid complications, the patient is obliged to steadily comply with medical prescriptions and recommendations. Otherwise, the Candida fungus migrates into the urethra, and further along the ascending path enters the organs of the genitourinary system, causing urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis.
Phimosis, paraphimosis, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin – this is a list of pathologies that occur in the absence of therapy for candidal balanoposthitis. As complications, changes in the phallus itself appear: curvature, change in shape, the appearance of an oncological process.
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