
12 signs that you are a strong personality

Each person has his own idea of ​​the characteristics of strong personalities who attract others and are able to create a good impression about themselves. There are several main differences between strong and weak people: the former are used to relying on themselves, achieving success on their own and using every opportunity for self-improvement; the latter are easily influenced by others and often cannot achieve success in life because of fears, self-doubt and worries about the opinions of other people.

What category of people you belong to will help determine the list of characteristics of a strong personality that has prepared for you.

12 qualities that define a strong personality

Review the following list of qualities to determine if you are a strong personality:

  1. You don't take excuses

If you don't see the point in listening to other people's excuses about why they can't do something, and prefer to focus on the important tasks and overcoming possible obstacles to your goal, know that this is – one of the hallmarks of a strong person.

  1. You don't let everyone into your life

A strong person does not need others to determine who he really is and what he can and should do – he already knows it. To feel complete, a strong person does not need numerous friends and acquaintances, although he often attracts others to him.

A strong person does not tolerate excuses, talk about anything and ignorance.

  1. You don't like talking about anything

Talking about nothing – waste of time. A truly strong person prefers not to waste valuable time discussing others, as he is busy with his life and its improvement.

  1. You can't stand insensitivity, idiocy and ignorance

People who prefer to build great and omniscient bosses often lack knowledge and influence. Strong personalities, as it should be, are attentive, caring and erudite. Because strong people use their brains to constantly improve, they hate it when ignoramuses try to prove themselves right on matters they know nothing about.

  1. You really know how to listen

Some people really appreciate this quality, but individuals who are not used to such attention may have concerns about the intentions of a person delving into their problems.

  1. You don't want attention

Strong personalities do not need an excess of attention from others, they involuntarily attract people to themselves.  

  1. Fear does not rule your life

Everyone is afraid of certain things – spiders, heights, death, loss of loved ones, failures. However, strong personalities do not allow fear to rule their lives, to interfere with the implementation of their plans.

  1. You use your lack of self-confidence as an opportunity

You realize that you are not perfect and use it to continually improve yourself. A strong personality is constantly learning new things without fear of looking stupid or failing. Each person is to some extent not sure of his strengths and capabilities, however, for a strong person, uncertainty – not an obstacle on the way to the goal, but a motive for achieving it. 

  1. You are not easily pissed off

You realize that by raising your voice you are not making yourself more important. You prefer to resolve conflicts calmly and constructively, guided by common sense, not emotions. 

  1. Don't blame everything on external circumstances

When you fail, you analyze what exactly went wrong, what mistakes you made, and learn a valuable lesson from what happened.

  1. You understand that resentment is meaningless, and the ability to forgive – priceless

A strong personality is well aware that resentment will not solve the problem, but delays this process. Therefore, such people will not waste precious time on grievances, but will try to restore good relations as quickly as possible, if it is really necessary.

A strong personality does not see the point in holding a grudge, knows how to forgive and is ready to admit that one is wrong if necessary.

  1. You accept personal responsibility

You are well aware that first of all the quality of life depends on you. That is why you do not rely on others or higher powers, but prefer to make efforts to achieve your own goals and consider yourself the master of fate.

It can be difficult with strong people, but they are the ones who push others to improve themselves and improve their lives. Therefore, if you have the above qualities, congratulations – You are constantly making the world a better place!

  • Comments (1)

    28 апреля 2016, 14:57

    Я бы добавил ещё одно свойство, присущее сильной личности: Иерархия целей. Каждый многого хочет, но не каждый осознаёт, что для него важней всего. Если у человека есть главная цель в жизни он спокойно, истово работает для её достижения, постоянно затрачивая на это половину своих ресурсов. На достижение целей №2 и №3 он затрачивает половину оставшихся ресурсов. Причём вторая и третья цели лишь средсва для продвижения к достижению цели №1. И так далее по нисходящей. Естественно, такой способ жизни приучает человека объективно оценивать свои ресурсы, соизмерять свои потребности со своими возможностями и не путать потребности с целями. Достигая своей главной цели, человек, как бонус получает множество благ, ибо цели №2 и№3 и более второстепенные тоже достигнуты. Знание главной цели мотивирует его жить по принципу: Важно не кем быть, а каким быть. Любую жизненую роль он выполняет так, чтобы достигать своей цели. Он сам себе режисёр.Он внутренне раскован и посему всегда свободен.

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12 qualities that define a strong personality

Strong personalities attract people around them and achieve success in life. To determine whether you are a strong person, the list of qualities of a strong personality given in our article will help.

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