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5 simple steps to get rid of weather dependence

Does another temperature drop or a sudden change in weather conditions cause you headaches, general weakness and even apathy? All of these reactions can be indicators that you are a weather dependent person. Of course, almost all people react to weather changes, but sometimes these reactions affect the health of a person too much. In this case, the problem must be dealt with, emphasizes Let's look at what weather dependence is and whether it is possible to get rid of this phenomenon forever.

What is weather dependence?

First, it's worth understanding the terminology. Most people combine three terms at once into one concept, and this is wrong. There are three main names that describe the body's response to changes in weather conditions:

  • weather sensitivity,
  • weather dependence,
  • Meteoneurosis.

Key features of weather sensitivity

This concept can be applied to most people.

Practically each of us, one way or another, reacts to changes in weather conditions. Especially for sudden changes in air temperature or climatic changes.

Most of the time, this reaction is minor and doesn't last long. It can appear in the form:

People can react to such weather changes at any age. Even children tend to change their mood depending on the weather.

Meteorological dependence or meteopathy: distinctive features

This is a stronger reaction of the body even to minor fluctuations in weather conditions. In such people, a sudden change in temperature or a sudden change in weather conditions can cause exacerbations of chronic diseases.

  Particularly sensitive to such changes in weather conditions can be people suffering from:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • general overwork of the body.

How to diagnose meteoneurosis?

This concept describes a full-fledged disease, which is a type of neurotic disorder. People suffering from this disease are very difficult to tolerate the slightest change in weather conditions. The reaction of the body in the presence of meteoneurosis is quite difficult to calculate in advance.

Now that we have understood the terminology, we can proceed to a more detailed study of this problem.

Read also: Every weather is a grace or 5 tips on how to survive weather vagaries

Causes of weather dependence

As we have already said, weather sensitivity can manifest itself in almost all people. The reason for such a reaction of the body can be a period of hormonal and age-related changes. As for meteorological dependence, then everything is already a little different. So, the reasons for weather dependence are called:

  1. Heredity. As scientists have proven, 10% of weather-dependent people have inherited this disease from their parents or grandparents.
  1. Cardiovascular diseases. Approximately 40% of all weather dependent – these are people who have serious problems with the cardiovascular system.
  1. Past and chronic diseases. The remaining 50% of people with meteorological dependence began to feel it after illnesses or as a result of their transition to a chronic form. Among the diseases that can cause meteorological dependence are:

It is also worth noting that the presence of weather dependence in young children may be the result of a difficult pregnancy or childbirth. Often, post-term or premature babies suffer from such reactions.

The main symptoms of weather dependence

Among the symptoms of meteorological dependence, primary ones are distinguished, that is, those symptoms that are felt by both weather-sensitive people and weather-dependent people. These include:

  • headaches;
  • drowsiness;
  • quick fatigue;
  • bad mood;
  • irritability.

In some cases, people may feel anxious during periods of calm weather, and adolescents often show apathy during such periods. This is mainly due to the hormonal background and does not last long.

But with secondary signs that are inherent only to weather-dependent people, things are much worse. After all, during even minor changes in such people, chronic diseases can worsen and old injuries “remind of themselves”.

Such reactions can be dangerous to health and even human life. Therefore, people with secondary symptoms of meteorological dependence should pay special attention to the treatment of the main problem, that is, the exacerbation of the disease.


How to get rid of weather dependence

In fact, weather dependence cannot be cured. After all, it comes from many factors that, unfortunately, a person cannot influence. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the reaction of the body, and, subject to all conditions, to minimize it. In order to get rid of weather dependence you need:

  1. Strengthen immunity. Balance your diet in such a way that it contains a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins that your body needs most.
  1. Avoid fatty and heavy foods during periods of significant weather changes. The activity of the digestive system during such periods decreases.
  1. Refuse from heavy physical exertion and long journeys during the changing seasons.
  1. To arrange a psychological relaxation for yourself and try not to worry about trifles. The mood during periods of exacerbation of weather dependence is already to hell, so you should not worsen it even more. After all, depression is not far away.
  1. Don't watch the weather forecast. Strange as it may seem, but scientists have proven that when a person does not know about impending weather changes, he can endure them more easily.

In addition, you can resort to folk methods from weather dependence, which can help minimize the reaction of the body.

And how do you fight weather dependence, share with us on

  • Comments (4)

    29 июля 2016, 07:06

    На счет 5го пункта "Не смотреть прогноз погоды..." - не согласен! Как говорят "Предупрежден - значит вооружен" ;-)

  • Comments (4)

    13 сентября 2017, 11:02

    А зачем его смотреть? Если за сутки до дождей голова начинает болеть. По интенсивности боли можно предсказать время изменения погоды. И такой прогноз не ошибается.

  • Comments (4)

    18 февраля 2018, 17:41

    Жить с метеозависимостью можно совсем плохо, либо постараться улучшить качество жизни, поддерживая свой организм и сосудистую систему. Мне отлично помогает Гинкоум , так как он регулирует работу сосудов, снимает головную боль

  • Comments (4)

    15 мая 2019, 12:12

    А толку не смотреть прогноз, если все равно голова болит, никакой и спать охота? Вчера к примеру все планы пошли к черту, дрыхла весь день. Не могла понять, что за фигня. Вечером глянула в сети- магнитная буря. Даже если бы не знала о ней, то хреновое состояние никто у меня не отменял.

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