6 простых и эффективных способов, как ускорить метаболизм

Lack of energy, fatigue, tendency to gain weight — These are all clear signs of a slow metabolism. The body slowly burns incoming food, receives little energy from it, so you always want to eat, and the body refuses to fully work. But this is not all reasons for chagrin, because a slow metabolism has a bad effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Can can fight this? Yes, if you know how to speed up your metabolism and apply this knowledge in practice.

Why you need to increase the metabolic rate

Metabolism — it is a natural process of oxidizing substances coming from foodstuffs and eliminating waste products. Most often, they talk about accelerating metabolism in the context of losing weight, but slow metabolism has a bad effect not only on the figure, but also on the working capacity, mood, quality of life in general.

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Read also: Metabolic disorders: how to identify and solve the problem

If metabolic processes are slowed down, the body saves energy. Because of this, a person gets tired faster, rests worse, slowly restores strength. Result: chronic fatigue, increased fat reserves, drowsiness, unwillingness to do anything, deterioration in appearance. The only way to solve these problems — speed up metabolism.

5 factors that affect metabolic rate

There are 5 main factors affecting the speed of metabolic processes:

  1. Sex. Men have a faster metabolism than women by about 20%.

  2. Complexity.People who are not naturally obese have a faster metabolism than overweight people.

  3. Age. With every year, the percentage of fat mass increases, and muscle — less. Metabolism slows down. This begins to be felt especially strongly after 40 years.

  4. Thermogenesis. The body expends energy on  processing the food it consumes (100-800 calories per day). These indicators are individual and stable.

  5. Physical activity. This refers to daily activities (stairs, walking, cleaning) and training intensity.

Read also: How to speed up your metabolism: fast metabolism diet

         can't argue — this is set by nature, but you can always find ways to speed up your metabolism. Main — realize that there is such a need.

How to speed up your metabolism: 6 easy ways

It's easy to speed up your metabolism. There are affordable and effective ways:

  1. Drink water. The recommendation is as old as the world, but relevant. Water should be drunk in small sips. Required — in the morning, on an empty stomach. Temperature — any, but many doctors advise drinking warm water. If it seems tasteless or unpleasant, you can add stevia juice or a couple of drops of lemon.

  2. Add some physical activity. Sedentary — enemy number one. Any exercise for the benefit. They should be done after every 30-40 minutes of sitting. Take a walk in the fresh air every day, try to walk more often. If you work in an office, join a gym and work out at least 2-3 times times week.

  3. Get enough sleep. To stay active, you need to get enough rest. Adjust your schedule so that you sleep at least 7-8 hours per day and fall asleep no later than 23.00. If there are sleep disturbances, do breathing exercises in the evening, meditate. It is important not to sit in the evenings in front of a computer or TV. Blue light screens impair the production of melatonin — sleep hormone.

  4. Eat 5-6 times day  Fractional meals help speed up your metabolism. Everything is important: portion size, nutritional value of foods, frequency of meals. Choose healthy foods and make sure your diet has enough protein.

  5. Use spices. Add "accelerator" spices to your food: cayenne pepper, ginger root, cinnamon. They will have a positive effect on the rate of metabolic processes and increase libido, which will also have a positive effect on metabolism.

  6. Build muscle mass. Muscles consume more energy than fat. At rest, 1 kg of muscle consumes 13 calories per day, and 1 kg of adipose tissue — 5. It turns out, lying on the couch, a person with developed muscles burns twice as many calories as someone with less muscle mass.


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Read also: 9 good reasons to drink only water throughout the month

There are many tips on how to speed up your metabolism. So, you can replace sweets with citrus fruits, start having breakfast if you haven’t done it before, or count calories. Choose for yourself those methods that seem most comfortable. Main — act.

The main thing about ways to speed up metabolism

 Ideally, you should improve your lifestyle as much as possible: constantly move, eat right and radiate positive. But we live in the real world. Don change drastically if you don don't feel like it. Choose the most convenient way for you to speed up your metabolism:

  • Eat 5-6 times small meals     day.

  • Drink water throughout the day.

  • Get plenty of rest and move a lot.

  • Make a choice in favor of proper nutrition and spices that improve metabolism.

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Your body will thank you for the effort that you apply to speed up your metabolism.

Read also: Speeding up metabolism: 30 unusual ways

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