According to studies, depression is already epidemic in nature, and by 2020 it threatens to paralyze the economies of many countries. After all, it is this state of mental anxiety that is the main reason why people refuse to go to work.

Depression is the trigger for causeless apathy and melancholy. Add to this state of despondency, disbelief in yourself, and the destructive power of depression will become clear. But sometimes you should look for the causes of depression not only in environmental factors, but in the health problems that provoke it.   

Hormonal imbalance as a cause of depression

Reason #1. Violation of the thyroid glands. This small organ is not in vain called the conductor of the whole organism. By regulating overall metabolism, the thyroid gland directly affects a person's mood.

As soon as the thyroid hormones destabilize, depression immediately covers a person with a head.
One of the most common conditions in women is postpartum thyroiditis, when inflammation of the thyroid gland develops against the background of hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

When the thyroid gland malfunctions, there are: 

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • skin diseases;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • appearance of excess weight;
  • decreased libido;
  • memory deterioration;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • apathy, depression.

What to do?

  • Perform thyroid-stimulating hormone (T3, T4, TSH) and thyroid testing for autoimmune status.

Reason #2. The adrenals, pituitary and hypothalamus form that stress center  organism, the disruption of which immediately affects the nervous system. If the activity of this center is increased, then a person may experience anxiety, insomnia, if there is insufficient fatigue.

  • An excess of cortisol produced by the adrenal glands, in addition to psychological attacks, can provoke an incorrect distribution  adipose tissue.

Another cause of depression can be an imbalance of the hormone melatonin. Since it is produced by the so-called biological clock of the body, which is the pineal gland, it is understandable why in such cases the development of depression occurs against the background of sleep disturbance.

What to do?  

  • Saliva analysis for stress hormones, cortisol and melatonin.

Why stress hormones are blamed for bad mood

Reason #3. Stress. It is no coincidence that doctors repeat that stress is detrimental to the fair sex, more precisely, to female hormones.

Constant stress can upset the delicate balance of sex hormones and stress hormones, which can lead to such complex conditions as amenorrhea and infertility.

 But their clinical manifestation can result in sleep disturbance, loss of appetite and weight, depression.
What to do?

  • Conduct research on saliva regarding the female hormonal profile.
    This will help to draw up the correct treatment regimen for diseases caused by hormonal disorders.

Hormon profile analysis helps to prevent:

  • breast cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • osteoporosis, etc.

Reason #4. Swings in blood sugar. Your brain needs a constant supply of glucose to keep it working. An insufficient level of it in the blood provokes depression, which often affects patients with diabetes.
What to do?

Perform glucose and insulin tolerance test.

Reason #5. Allergy. Increased hypersensitivity to allergens, especially egg whites and mold, cause a feeling of depression, which often turns into depression.
What to do?

  • Perform an antibody test to detect allergens.

Depression will indicate problems with gut health

Reason #6. Lack of fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). Normally, they help relieve nervous tension and improve the activity of the brain and heart. Lack of them can provoke the development of multiple sclerosis.

What to do?

  • Eat fish once a week.
  • Perform an analysis to determine the level of fat in the body.

Reason #7. Indigestion can negatively affect the absorption of nutrients in the body. And then you can not avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the course of which is accompanied by mood swings, including depression.
Low stomach acid can be another cause of depression.
What to do?

  • Stool analysis for digestion.

Reason #8. Toxins. The presence in the body of such heavy metals as mercury, aluminum, lead, can provoke not only a bad mood, but also the development of severe mental disorders.

Even useful elements can disturb the balance of the body. So, an excess of vanadium  causes mania, and a deficiency of magnesium apathy and psychosis.

 What to do?

  • Urine and blood test for toxins.

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