Those who want to lose weight are constantly waiting for a breakthrough in science, thanks to which it would be possible to say goodbye to extra pounds simply by taking a pill. Nutritionists work daily with patients who are trying to find the easiest and most effective way to lose weight in the shortest possible time, without stopping at nothing.

But if some people who want to lose weight turn to a specialist for advice, there are those who ignore absolutely all the rules of safe weight loss and cause irreparable harm to their body. How to avoid this?

Basic principles of safe weight loss: get rid of fat wisely

Considering the available means of losing weight – whether it be exercise complexes, diets, hardware techniques, operations, supplements or pills – those who want to say goodbye to being overweight are often in a hurry to get acquainted with the reviews of people who have already experienced the effect of a new technique or drug.

They want to know if the fast weight loss diet works, is Reduxin helping to lose weight, which tea is best for weight loss, etc. Unfortunately, very few people worry about the safety of individual weight loss methods or their combination.

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To avoid the unpleasant and dangerous consequences of losing weight, follow the rules of safe weight loss.

Five Rules for Safe Weight Loss

  1. Don't try to lose weight drastically

Specialists say that a healthy rate of weight loss – about 0.5 & ndash; 1 kg per week, so a diet that involves weight loss, for example, 10 & ndash; 20 kg per month, should alert you. Before embarking on such a diet, consult your doctor about its safety. In some cases, more rapid weight loss may be safe, but such measures should be resorted to only under the supervision of a specialist. In addition, after rapid weight loss, stretch marks appear on the body, and the skin itself can sag – and you will have to invest a lot of money to get rid of these cosmetic defects.

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About 0.5–1kg per week – this rate of weight loss is considered safe.

  1. Make sure your diet is balanced

Remember that the healthiest diet is one that provides all the nutrients in the body in balanced proportions. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications and characteristics of your body.

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  1. Do not start taking any diet supplements or diet pills without consulting your doctor

Firstly, almost all supplements and diet pills provide for dietary modification and exercise. But if you learn to eat right and be physically active, the need for such pills will disappear altogether.

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Secondly, such drugs have a lot of side effects that far outweigh the potential (and by no means guaranteed) results in losing weight. Thirdly, consultation with a doctor is mandatory before taking weight loss supplements, because some of them have a lot of contraindications.

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  1. Remember: the approach must be individual

Just because a friend was able to lose weight with a particular diet doesn't mean it will work for you as well. Each organism is individual, we react differently not only to life situations, but also to the food we eat, intense physical activity and other factors affecting the body.

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Therefore, doctors unanimously declare that safe weight loss is possible only in the case of a comprehensive and individual approach. The same applies to a set of exercises: it should be selected by a qualified trainer who is aware of your state of health and possible contraindications.

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To avoid hurting yourself while trying to lose weight, never take any medication without consulting your doctor.

  1. See a doctor in any situation you don't understand

Overweight is a signal to see a doctor

Sometimes, despite all efforts, extra pounds stubbornly refuse to leave problem areas. In this case, you need to think about what could be the reason for such resistance of body fat to nutrition and physical activity. It is possible that the source of the problem of excess weight is some kind of disease – in this case, it is necessary to choose an adequate treatment.

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Remember that effective and safe weight loss is possible only with an integrated approach, individually selected based on the individual characteristics of your body. Otherwise, you risk not only re-encountering the problem of excess weight, but also seriously harm your health.

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