Что такое читинг и как проводить загрузочные дни

For many people, the concept of "cheating" causes bewilderment and a large number of questions. This word is of English origin and means fraud or deceit. The use of cheating in dietary nutrition began quite recently. Namely, after the release of the book by nutritionist Joel Maron "Fool yourself to lose weight."

In the material estet-portal.com we will sort it out, what is cheating, how to spend boot days, what are the pros and cons of in this principle of losing weight and how to make the right menu.

Cheating for weight loss: the principle of action

The main principle of any diet – avoiding junk food and reducing portion sizes. Any body experiences stress after such restrictions, even if it is not a strict diet, but the transition to a healthy and balanced diet after a disordered food intake.

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In the beginning, fat burning processes are activated, and then the process of losing weight may slow down, and you may notice a decrease in the activity of melting fat deposits.

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In addition, when a person who is losing weight, exhausting himself with a diet and refusing tasty habitual food, does not see further changes on the arrows of the scales, thoughts begin to oppress him, irritability and loss of strength appear. And most of those who lose weight during this period give up and return to their usual way of life and nutrition.

That's why cheating in the diet was invented to avoid such cases. You plan for days of "gastronomic happiness" when you can afford to eat something harmful, but tasty, and thus your conscience is clear, because you know that you are doing it on purpose to speed up your metabolism. The figure and psychological state will not suffer, and the results achieved during the diet will remain with you.

The effectiveness of the cheating system lies precisely in our subconscious. After all, when a person reaches the limit of his own strength, he falls into depression, his nerves become twisted and it is at this moment that breakdowns occur. All work is in vain, because the body, after prolonged exhaustion, reacts to a sudden intake of calories very competently from the point of view of survival – he begins to actively make fat reserves in fear of another loss of an energy source.

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with a certain frequency, you will be able to rid the body of such stresses and no longer have to reproach yourself for eating a piece of cake or other forbidden food. Metabolism will proceed normally.
One of the main advantages of cheating – this is that you will not have feelings of guilt, because you yourself planned a loading day in order to lose weight, no matter how strange it may sound. And this is not a breakdown during the diet, but part of it.

Cheat Days – boot days

If you decide to have boot days, remember that – the same frequency. As on fasting days, and on loading days, nutritionists advise arranging from the same day of the week. You can have a cheat day once a week or two, maybe once a month, as you decide.

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Cheating can last not one day, but even two or three. The best option is 48 hours, that is, two days. These days, you can increase the number of calories consumed by 1000-2000. But only if on other days before that you followed a balanced diet and adhered to the optimal number of calories per day.

If cheating lasts more than two days, you should not increase calories by more than 400 calories. Therefore, it is important to initially decide how long your "gastronomic holiday" will last in order to know how much you can "overeat".

On cheating days, do not give up physical activity. Take a walk in the city park, roller-skate, bike. Arrange a holiday for yourself not only for the stomach, but also for the soul.

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But boot days also have their limitations:

•    No need to increase the usual portion size;

•    You can eat everything, but treats with less fat will be preferable;

•    Don't forget to drink water – it helps boost metabolism. Nutritionists also recommend drinking ginger, green, herbal tea, water with lemon.

It is worth remembering that cheating, like any other diet, has its pros and cons. The positive moment is the rest from dietary restrictions, which gives psychological comfort.

The downside is that cheating can also break loose and lose control over yourself. And only strict adherence to the diet and the correct implementation of loading days can give a positive result.

Cheating Day Menu

To make it easier to control yourself, calculate the calorie content and make a list of foods that you can eat. Then you will be less likely to empty the refrigerator completely.

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On a piece of paper, write down the days of cheating and the dishes that you plan to eat that day. Be sure to calculate their caloric content – it should not go beyond 2000 kcal.

Toward evening, eat only a light salad or limit yourself to kefir or yogurt altogether, so it will be easier to readjust again and continue to follow a diet.  

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A daily menu might look like this:

Breakfast: oatmeal (or any other) with berries and fruits.

Lunch: dark chocolate wedge.

Lunch: green borscht, for the second – any meat that is best baked with vegetables.

Snack: A sweet treat. It can be: a pie or a bargain, ice cream.

Dinner: vegetable salad with feta or cheese and fish baked in foil with lemon and herbs. A few hours before bedtime: a glass of yogurt.

Following simple cheating rules and a smart approach to cheating will turn your diet into a lifestyle that has room for small joys.

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