Дерматолог рассказал, что на самом деле влияет на появление акне

Few people know that the skin – human organ, it occupies 2 sq. m of our body. This is the boundary of the body and the outside world, many nerve endings pass through it, through which we perceive information. There is an opinion that there are no skin diseases, it reflects internal disorders. It is a mirror of psychological processes and changes. A change in the emotional state includes the autonomic system, which affects the skin. Feeling shame, we blush, excitement makes the palms cold and sweaty. It is impossible to control the work of the autonomic system, as well as emotions. The skin betrays the whole truth, reflecting inner discomfort. The most problematic rashes – acne – have a neurological nature of appearance, are the result of a protracted neurosis.

    Causes of rashes on the face – what do they mean in psychology
  • What do skin diseases hide – how to deal with the inner world
  • Complex treatment for the elimination of rashes
  • of psychosomatic origin Causes of rashes on the face – what do they mean in psychology

Psychosomatic causes of rashes

on the face are hidden in the subconscious of a person. Unhealthy skin – a sign that the inner world is out of balance, something hidden is trying to break out.

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Psychological interpretation of skin problems:My default image

the rash is not treated, there is no decrease in rashes, this indicates low self-esteem, the person on an unconscious level rejects himself, forming an internal conflict;

  • too shy and shy people get rashes because of trying to hide and hide themselves from others, at such moments acne spreads at lightning speed;

  • if you notice small dots on your face that repeat after 5 cm, most likely you react negatively to a change in plans, you react too emotionally to a schedule change;

  • a rash on the forehead indicates excessive self-criticism;

  • non-perception of oneself as a person, non-acceptance of individuality, character, one's own desires and actions, leads to the spread of acne throughout the face, they are not amenable to drug treatment;

  • rashes on the back signal that your burden is unbearable, the burden must be dropped.
Cosmetologist's recommendations on how to remove bags around the eyes at home

By the way, an interesting fact noted by psychotherapists about diseases that are characterized by a rash, – chicken pox, rubella. If a child has them at a young age, he has a significant leap

in development.

What do skin diseases hide – how to deal with the inner world The protective function of the skin and touch are inextricably linked.

Tactile senses – one of the main principles of a healthy emotional life. Psychotherapist N. Pezeshkian argues that skin diseases are typical for those who were not picked up in childhood, not caressed, or vice versa, they did it too often. Hugs are as important for normal mental development as food is for physical growth. 

My default imageEczema

often occurs in those whose mother was characterized as an infantile personality, hiding under the mask of anxiety and love for children, anger and enmity. Pathomimy – a pathological condition in which the patient picks at the skin to wounds. It affects individuals with neurotic deviations, lovers of "digging" in itself. This also includes pulling hair, biting nails.
German neurologist N. Peseschkian argued that families characterized by rare tactile contact and frequent skin diseases are characterized by:

do not ask the child about his preferences in clothes, interests, opinions, at the age of a teenager, he begins to independently express what was hidden inside, this period of development is characterized by massive rashes on the face, acne and blackheads;

Regular quarrels over mistakes, punishment for them leads to the need to do as others say to avoid discussions.

  • How to get rid of acne for a long time
  • Tattoos, tunnels in the ears, piercings
– evidence of a psychological problem, a person deliberately damages his body. This is

emotional distress. 

Complex treatment to eliminate rashes of psychosomatic origin

Nutritional adjustment. Complete renunciation of alcohol, smoking, fatty and fried foods. Enrich your diet with cereals, fruits and vegetables. 

  1. Procedures. Despite the psychosomatic nature of the rash, you should not forget about proper care. Choose cosmetics according to your skin type, to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Cognitive therapy.
  2. Aimed at improving self-esteem, eliminating fears and phobias, strengthening one's own personality.

  3. Hypnosis.
  4. In this state, the cause of the imbalance is identified. Perhaps it is a childhood trauma that the patient does not remember.

  5. Sessions with a psychotherapist.
  6. It will help you accept yourself, love, get rid of uncertainty.

  8. Young skin: how to preserve the beauty of the face

The causes of rashes on the face

are hidden in improper care, insufficient hygiene. If the root of the problem – stress and mental disorders, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist. Building a barrier between real life and yourself, fighting with the inner enemy, will lead to a destroyed destiny in the end, without love and understanding. My default image

Problem facial skin: how to choose the right care

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