Действие и бездействие: как победить лень

You don't feel like doing anything, you put off all the important things for tomorrow, and your attention keeps turning to mindless Internet browsing and other trifles. Familiar? This state is nothing but laziness.

Such idleness is very insidious, because it exhausts a person, destroys personal relationships and careers, breaks fate, slows down development, leads to poverty, and also disfigures the body and face. And if you do not include action in your life, it can absorb a person entirely, making him unhappy, weak-willed, devastated, hopeless, poor and isolated from the whole world.

Therefore, if you notice that you are in a state of laziness and inactivity has already begun to destroy your life, it is not too late to say "Stop!" to this state. And the online publication estet-portal.com will share with you a few life hacks that will help you overcome laziness.

1. Action and inaction: where does laziness come from
2. How to stop being lazy and start acting: proven methods

Action and inaction: where does laziness come from

Before defeating an invisible enemy, you need to know the reasons for its appearance.

Psychologists identify several "culprits" apathy and inaction:

1. Moral and physical fatigue. Often a person begins to be lazy due to exhaustion and fatigue. When we do something through force, a defensive reaction is activated, which manifests itself in an unwillingness to do something. It also signals that the body is overloaded and needs proper rest.

One of the common reasons for doing nothing – excessive flow of information that falls on a modern person in a short period of time. He does not have time to perceive and process it. As a result, stress only increases and the person begins to unconsciously become lazy.

2. Inability to plan one's time and set goals. Apathy and inaction often cover a person who simply does not know how to manage his time. When a huge number of cases fall on him, he simply does not know which one to grab onto first. And as a result, there is a strong fatigue, which results in doing nothing.

3. Fear of making a mistake. Often people with low self-esteem have this fear. Sometimes a person procrastinates, refuses assignments, or sits back because of the fear of making a mistake and receiving negative criticism. Also often afraid of doing something wrong are perfectionists who strive to do their best every job.

4. Actions that do not correspond to the interests and values ​​​​of a person. When a person does something that he does not like, that does not correspond to his character, needs and inclinations, laziness arises.

5. Blocking the process of personal realization. When a person does not live his own life, follows values ​​and goals imposed from the outside, and also does not realize the potential hidden in him and does not follow his calling, there is a conflict between "I want" and "must". And laziness is one of its manifestations.

6. Negative emotions. Longing, angry, sad, feeling resentment and guilt, a person does not even suspect that such negative phenomena have a bad effect on well-being and motivation. They kill the desire to do something.

7. Laziness is like dope. Some people deliberately mess around just because they like it. They get real pleasure from it, which later becomes highly addictive akin to a drug. And a person stays in this state all his life. Often this lifestyle is the result of emotional trauma or bad parenting.

8. The monotony of life. When the days become similar to each other, routine, boredom and gray everyday life become boring. Therefore, there is a desire to quit everything and mess around: surf the Internet, play computer games or just lie on the couch .

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How to stop being lazy and start acting: proven methods

If you have figured out the reason for your inaction, it's time to break the vicious circle.

Below we bring to your attention several effective ways to deal with mother laziness:

1. Good job – have a good rest. This method will come in handy if the reason for the lack of action is fatigue. Spend the weekend exclusively relaxing. The same applies to holidays. Go on an interesting journey, go to the park, read an interesting book, eat something delicious or just sleep at home. Then, together with a charge of strength, inspiration and a desire to work will come to you.

2. Switch. If you have a monotonous job, whether it's typing, shifting papers or washing dishes, alternate it with something interesting. And ideally, it is better to avoid routine work.

3. Get enough sleep, exercise and take contrast showers. To eliminate apathy and inactivity, try to get enough sleep. Train yourself to go to bed early, wake up early, and get up immediately after waking up, and not lie in bed until the last. Also do your morning exercises and take a contrast shower. These activities awaken, energize and set you up for a productive day.

4. Learn the basics of time management. Unplanned work leads to lack of action. And time management will teach you how to properly plan your time and be disciplined. When making a schedule for the week, be sure to stick to it, by all means.

5. Break the task into parts. If you have a large-scale task planned that seems impossible, divide it into stages and stretch it out over 2-3 days. The trick with this method is that the fragmented work appears to be on a smaller scale. Therefore, it is easier to perform.

The famous Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci fought laziness in the following way: he divided the days of special stress into short periods of 140 minutes each. For 20 minutes he slept soundly, and the remaining 2 hours he worked.

6. Focus on one action. Often, instead of doing something important, many are distracted by secondary and unnecessary tasks: visiting a page on a social network, browsing products in online stores or reading blogs. All these entertainments take the lion's share of valuable time. So train yourself to concentrate on the important. Remember the rule: business first, then everything else.

7. Use the 20-minute rule. If you have to deal with something boring and uninteresting, take a 20-minute break every hour. Take this time to walk around the office, stretch, drink a cup of tea, in general, clear your mind, and then get back to work with renewed vigor.

8. Set specific goals for yourself. If you're feeling stuck because you don't know how to set goals, then it's time to learn this skill. Think about the importance of the work to be done. Think about what you will get when you reach the end. And get a dose of dopamine – happy hormone. So write down your goals on a piece of paper.

9. Motivate and reward yourself. Motivation – this is the motor that leads us to success. A good motivation is the encouragement after a successful job. It could be buying a new dress, going to the movies, or traveling.

If you are stuck in business, and your life has gone awry because of laziness, it's time to tie it up. After all, the "vegetable state" will not lead to anything good. And there are so many interesting things in the world.

Having tested the above methods on yourself, you will turn from a sloth into a cheerful, energetic and able-bodied person. Your life will change dramatically: your days will become more productive, you will get more done, you will have more time for rest and personal life.

In addition, many new opportunities will open up before you.

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