Контрастный душ – простой способ взбодриться и оздоровиться

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of excellent health and vigor in the morning. The reason for this is the modern rhythm of life, which entails lack of sleep, stress and various diseases.

In order to improve their health, as well as to always be cheerful and energetic, many people douse themselves with cold water. But not everyone likes such a water procedure, especially in the cold season. Therefore, there is a great alternative - contrast shower.

The essence of this type of hardening is that you alternately pour hot and cold water on your body. Such a procedure is even more effective, than rubbing with a towel and dousing. What is its healing power?

You will learn about this in the material of the Internet publication estet-portal.com.

1. Why you need to harden your body
2. Why is a contrast shower useful for a person
3. How to take a contrast shower in order to be healthy and vigorous

Why you need to harden your body

Hardening is a powerful health remedy. During this procedure, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are trained. As a result, the body gradually gets used to low and high temperatures.

The following positive changes are also observed:

• a person tolerates heat and severe frosts more easily;

• the body adapts to the most unforeseen conditions, as a result of which it avoids health problems;

• immunity increases, which means that a person is less likely to get sick;

• the work of the nervous system stabilizes, the person becomes more balanced and resilient in stressful situations.

What is the use of a contrast shower for a person

At first, this water procedure may seem unpleasant. Internal tension and discomfort - this is what you will surely encounter at first. But after 4 procedures, such hardening will become your habit, like brushing your teeth and morning exercises.

In addition to a charge of vivacity and energy, a contrast shower brings great benefits to the body, namely:

• due to thermoregulation training, the body easily and quickly adapts to sudden changes in ambient temperature, and also maintains the optimal temperature of internal organs;

• improves blood circulation. And this means that cells and tissues receive more oxygen and nutrients, which, in turn, improves the functioning of all organs and systems;

• improves the functioning of the thyroid gland;

• speeds up metabolic processes, and at the same time contributes to burning calories and losing weight;

• trains capillaries and blood vessels, thereby preventing the development of varicose veins;

A contrast shower strengthens the immune system, increasing protection against colds, flu and other illnesses.

• trains muscles and tendons. Thus, it reduces the risk of injury or disease of the musculoskeletal system to a minimum;

• normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. With regular use of a contrast shower, sleep normalizes, mood improves, and stress and depression and there is no trace;

• gradually removes slags, toxins and metabolic products from the body, as a result of which bad breath disappears;

• improves skin condition. During the water procedure, a kind of gymnastics takes place: when hot water runs from the diffuser, the pores open, and when cold, they close. And such manipulations occur several times.

At the same time, the blood begins to circulate more actively, the vessels expand, and toxins and toxins are removed from the dermis. As a result, the skin is cleansed, wrinkles are smoothed out, and externally it is refreshed, rejuvenated and acquires a healthy color with a blush. The same procedure helps to get rid of the "orange peel";

• provides a surge of strength, vivacity and good mood for the whole day;

• makes a person more disciplined and responsible.

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How to take a contrast shower in order to be healthy and vigorous

The benefits of such a water procedure are obvious. But in order for it to really help, it must be done correctly. Otherwise, you can catch a cold or get an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, if you plan to do hydrotherapy, remember the following rules and recommendations:

• start to harden in the summer, so that in the winter this procedure does not bring you discomfort;

• with each treatment, increase the temperature difference, as well as the interval of exposure to cold and heat;

• watch the water temperature. It should not be too hot, as well as cool. The body should receive adrenaline from a sharp temperature drop, and not hypothermia;

• try not to wet your head while taking contrast showers. This is fraught with pressure drops and severe colds;

• always end with cold water dousing and rubbing with a terry towel.

If you are tempering for the first time, follow this pattern: first, pour yourself with warm water for 30 seconds, then the same amount of time – cold, gradually increasing the time and temperature of the water. Repeat this cycle 5 times.

• do not take a water treatment before bedtime, otherwise you will have difficulty falling asleep. The perfect time for a wellness event – early morning;

• chill every day. If you do this occasionally, there will be no sense in the wellness event.

Contrast shower  is 2 in 1: both an invigorating remedy and a healer. But, alas, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. It cannot be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood, oncological pathologies, hypertension, tonsillitis, cystitis, as well as for menstruation.

Therefore, before deciding to harden in this way, consult your doctor. And even if everything is in order with your health, remember that hardening alone is not enough for excellent health and vigor.

It is also necessary to eradicate bad habits, eat healthy food and lead an active lifestyle.

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