Each of us spends a lot of time in our bed. And we rarely think about the condition of our mattress. But in reality, this is a very important moment in the everyday life of every person. The problem is that dust, dead particles of our skin, and dirt gradually accumulate in the mattress. In this connection, in the "subsoil" dust mites and other harmful microorganisms that are absolutely inconspicuous for our eyes can settle in this bedding. All this together negatively affects our health: hence allergies and other diseases. Our site will share useful ideas on how to sanitize a mattress on your own.
Mattress disinfection: natural remedies will help
Of course, it is not enough to disinfect this component of the bed, it must be done correctly. Many people have no idea how to do it in principle.
Fortunately, the task is not so difficult and literally everyone can cope with it, and without leaving home. And one more plus of home mattress disinfection: it is by no means necessary to use expensive cleaning products.
- Make sure the mattress is well ventilated
First of all, when you get out of bed in the morning, don't rush to make it right away. Let us have been taught from childhood to do just that. Of course, this is not about leaving the bed in a "disassembled" state until the next departure to sleep: order is necessary, so ensure it by waiting 1–2 hours from the moment you got up from it. The fact is that dust mites easily multiply in warm and humid conditions, and the mattress – great place for it. The most ideal option – free the bed from the blanket and sheets: this is how the mattress can be ventilated as much as possible after serving you faithfully at night.
In addition, it is also important that fresh air enter the room: this measure will get rid of excess moisture.
- Regularly turn the mattress over
Obviously changing sides won't sanitize a mattress, but it's a great way to keep it well ventilated and avoid inevitable deformation. Ideally, turn over your bedding weekly and swap not only the top and bottom, but also the position – legs-head.
- Wash your bed linens more often
Regular change of bedding (at least once a week) – an excellent addition to the disinfection measures applied to the mattress. In this case, it does not wear out so quickly. After all, like a mattress, pillowcases and sheets soak up our dirt, dust and sweat, becoming "stale" pretty soon. And, of course, it is better to wash clothes using disinfectants.
Another very important point: make sure that your bedding is made of natural materials and has the ability to "breathe".
- Baking soda + hydrogen peroxide
This is a great "tandem" to disinfect your mattress. After all, both components are best able to reduce the number of certain harmful microorganisms due to their antifungal and antiseptic properties. You should only: mix 3 tbsp. l. soda with a glass of 3% hydrogen peroxide – until the powder is completely dissolved, then add a couple of drops of liquid soap to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. Now you can clean the mattress by filling the spray bottle with the liquid you prepared. Spray it on the surface of the mattress, especially focusing your attention on the most polluted places. Wait 5 minutes until the liquid is absorbed, then wipe the mattress with a dry cloth. Remaining mixture can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
Despite the fact that many of us are aware of the harmful activity of microorganisms inside our mattresses, we pay little attention and time to this issue. And completely in vain, because it is also – guarantee of our health.
It is good to do this procedure at least once a month.
Take note of easy ways to disinfect your mattress and don't forget to use them regularly.
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