Диета для улучшения женской фертильности

Fertility, or the ability to conceive a child, is far from being at the proper level for every woman. This is due to bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. It is the latter factor that most often leads to the inability to conceive. Therefore, if you plan to have offspring in the near future, you need to completely revise your diet and radically change it, that is, get rid of harmful foods and eat more healthy food. The online publication estet-portal.com has prepared information for you about which diet should be followed to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

The main principles of a healthy diet for those who want to get pregnant

Why does diet affect fertility? The fact is that the products that a woman consumes every day affect blood cells and even hormones, both positively and negatively. It all depends on what exactly enters the body.

According to the results of numerous studies, it has been found that the right diet, which includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and excludes harmful foods, stimulates ovulation, significantly increasing the chances of conceiving a child.

What are the principles of a proper diet? There are several of them:
•    Do not eat foods containing trans fats.
•     Eliminate alcoholic, caffeinated and sugary drinks from your daily diet.
•    Pay more attention to foods containing vegetable unsaturated fats.
•    Eat more vegetable proteins and less animal proteins.
•    Replace fast carbs with slow carbs.
•    Stock up on iron. The level of this element must be increased to 40 mg per day.
•     Eat more foods containing vitamins, in particular folic acid.
•    Keep your weight in check. If the body mass index is too low or too high, it will not be possible to get pregnant.

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Which Foods Are Best for Fertility

Specialists have identified a number of products that improve fertility. These are:
•    Olive oil – it contains a lot of monounsaturated acids that contribute to successful fertilization. This product is recommended to eat 1 & ndash; 2 tablespoons per day with food.
•    Beans. Soy, peas and beans are high in vegetable protein, which is easier to digest than meat, thus maintaining hormonal balance.
•    Walnuts. They are also high in vegetable protein. And these fruits also contain vitamin E, which improves the condition of the uterine mucosa.
•    Whole grain products. This group includes bread made from rye flour, whole grain pasta, wheat, corn, buckwheat, and oatmeal. Such products contain slow carbohydrates that do not increase the level of insulin in the blood. They also support the regularity of ovulation.
•    Fish. Many women are afraid to eat this product due to the content of mercury in it, which is toxic to the unborn baby. However, it is not worth giving up fish at all. After all, not every species is so dangerous. Experts say that in tuna, salmon and catfish, the level of mercury is minimal. And if you use such seafood up to 300 g per week, nothing will happen to your health. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish, on the contrary, bring undeniable benefits to the body, both before conception and during the period of bearing a baby.
•    Red meat. This product is a source of valuable iron, which is necessary for successful fertilization and childbearing. If you can't afford red meat, you can easily replace it with eggs, persimmons, bananas, beets and other iron-containing foods.
•    Avocado. This fruit is a real vitamin "bomb" because it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber. In addition, it contains folic acid, which is so necessary when planning a pregnancy.

If you can't afford red meat, you can easily replace it with eggs, persimmons, bananas, beets and other iron-containing foods.
•    Avocado. This fruit is a real vitamin "bomb" because it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber. In addition, it contains folic acid, which is so necessary when planning a pregnancy.
If you can't afford red meat, you can easily replace it with eggs, persimmons, bananas, beets and other iron-containing foods.

•    Avocado. This fruit is a real vitamin "bomb" because it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber. In addition, it contains folic acid, which is so necessary when planning a pregnancy.

Scientific studies have found that avocado improves the endometrium and also helps the embryo to attach to the uterine wall.

•    Garnet. The berries of this fruit contain vitamins C and K, folic acid and other nutrients. Pomegranate juice is very useful. It contributes to the normal development of the baby and prevents damage to the developing brain.

•    Cabbage. Any kind of such a vegetable increases female fertility due to the beneficial vitamins contained in it.

What to give up to increase your chances of conceiving a child

If you're planning to get pregnant, cut out your favorite hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sweets, processed foods, and other foods that contain trans fats, which lead to obesity and health problems. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of fatty meat. The thing is, it takes a long time to digest. And this, in turn, can lead to imbalance of hormones.

Alcohol should also be avoided, especially between ovulation and menstruation. Mark Leondires came to this conclusion – fertility specialist. After all, even a small amount of wine or beer reduces the ability to get pregnant. Another product that should be limited in consumption is coffee. Experts say that the caffeine contained in it constricts blood vessels and has a bad effect on blood flow to the uterus. Therefore, it is not surprising why women who are fond of such a fragrant drink cannot become pregnant. If you exclude everything harmful from your diet and include all the most useful, the cherished two stripes on the test will not be long in coming.

 Read also: Fertility diet without health risk. Part 1

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