8 продуктов для женского здоровья

The female body undergoes a lot of changes during its life. Hormonal changes, various diseases, stress and other negative factors leave their mark on the appearance of ladies, and most importantly – affect their health status. In order to stay young and beautiful as long as possible, the fair sex resorts to the services of cosmetologists and makeup artists, hairdressers and masseurs. All this is important, and brings its benefits, but still, do not forget that the indicator of female beauty – this is the state of her health.

In order for you not to leave strength, you were beautiful and cheerful under any life circumstances, you should correctly compose your diet. We recommend that you, together with estet-portal.com, study a selection of useful products for women<

  • Products for women: broccoli - a source of beauty and youth
  • Products for women: red fish - «queen» fatty acids
  • Products for women: avocado - the main assistant in the fight for harmony
  • Walnut - tasty, healthy and most importantly – affordable product for women
  • Products for women: olive oil for a great look and feel
  • Products for women: green tea - a drink that prolongs youth
  • Products for women: cherries are a valuable source of antioxidants
  • Products for women: red beans - Your assistant on the way to slender body
  • Products for women: broccoli - a source of beauty and youth

Resistantly enduring heat treatment, broccoli retains all its nutrients. This vegetable, wonderful in its properties, is rich in vitamins C and A, as well as minerals (CA, K, Fe) and folic acid. Broccoli is used to regulate the amount of estrogen, or rather lower its level. This ability makes it possible to minimize the risk of breast cancer. Also, the vegetable is used for weight control, because it is a low-calorie product for women, but at the same time, it saturates perfectly and cooks quickly.

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In order for your body to feel the beneficial effects of broccoli, it is worth taking it at least two

times a week. Products for women: red fish - «queen» fatty acids

Perhaps every woman knows about the wonderful properties of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in red fish. It is an indispensable source of nutrients for the female body. Red fish helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve brain activity. Its properties are especially useful during pregnancy, when the laying of the baby's organs takes place.


My default imageFatty red fish is different. We recommend that you give preference to the catch made in natural waters, since individuals grown on a farm can contain a large amount of harmful substances. This valuable product for women should be consumed several

times a week.

Products for women: avocado - the main assistant in the fight for harmony

A product that deserves special attention. It contains many vitamins and minerals in its composition, regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, helps to solve problems associated with fertility. Avocados are high in fat, or rather, monounsaturated fatty acids, which help maintain normal weight and help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, the use of "alligator pear" improves memory and concentration.


My default imageIn order to get the result from eating avocados, the fruit should be eaten every day, in quantities - from a quarter to a half. When added to a salad, this healthy product for women will help the absorption of carotenoids - substances found in fruits and vegetables that affect the condition of bones, tooth

enamel and hair. Walnut - tasty, healthy and most importantly – affordable product for women

The perfect snack for women who have an active brain in their line of work. Taking walnuts, you can forget about stress and overwork, your nervous system will work like a clock. Walnut helps to regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood, resists cancer. Rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. In addition, a couple of nuts for a snack will relieve you of a strong feeling of hunger and help you not break loose and eat everything that catches your eye during the main meal.

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My default image Normally, the daily dose of walnuts is – 6-8 pieces. Like any other nuts, they should not be abused. It is enough to add a few walnut kernels to porridge, salad or just to a cup of morning coffee and the result will not be long in coming


Products for women: olive oil for a great look and feel

If you want to prolong youth and improve your health, then you should definitely use olive oil. This product is not only tasty, but also useful. Rich in vitamins, olive oil is used not only for internal but also external use. It helps to improve the condition of hair and nails, restore skin elasticity. Olive oil prevents the development of

Alzheimer's disease

, improves cognitive functions.  

My default imageOlive oil is never too much. You can use it every day to season a variety of dishes, and take one teaspoon with a few drops of lemon on an empty stomach, which will improve

liver function.

Products for women: green tea - a drink that prolongs youth

It is not for nothing that green tea is especially popular in the Celestial Empire - the Chinese know a lot about beauty and health. It helps prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and dementia, and prevents the occurrence of a stroke. Also, green tea is valuable for its diuretic effect, with its help you can remove excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body.

To keep yourself in a cheerful state of mind, you should consume about 4 cups of green tea a day.


My default imageIt is also indispensable for those who want to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist. By lowering blood sugar levels, this drink, thereby, reduces appetite, which is an important factor for those who

want to lose weight.

Products for women: cherries are a valuable source of antioxidants

Many women love cherries without realizing how useful they are. These berries are valuable for their high content of antioxidants, which help the female body to actively resist the effects of the environment. Cherries help improve brain activity, lower cholesterol and prevent the risk of developing diabetes. In addition, cherries are considered a berry, the regular use of which, reduces the risk of

breast cancer

and colon cancer. Vegetable fiber normalizes cholesterol and blood pressure, and is an excellent breeding ground for beneficial bacteria.

My default imageDuring the harvest season, cherries should be eaten regularly, but not exceeding the norm of 1 kg,

divided into several meals. Products for women: red beans - your assistant on the way to a slim body

Red beans have a very useful quality – it perfectly saturates, gives strength and energy to the female body. Rich in antioxidants, minerals and fiber, it helps burn fat, regulate blood sugar and help reduce the risk of cancer.

Beans should be taken boiled. In order for your body to fully use all its beneficial properties, you will need to consume three cups of this useful product throughout the week. If you can't cook fresh beans, you can use canned beans.

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Healthy products for women, carefully prepared by nature itself, should not be ignored when making up your daily diet. With their help, you can keep your body in excellent shape. Proper balanced nutrition – this is a guarantee of good health and mood, so do not limit yourself, add bright colors to the menu, in the form of healthy products, and enjoy the result of your transformation.

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