Генетический анализ на рак груди и яичников: кому стоит делать

Today, the spread of cancer is gaining momentum, so every person thinks about the problem, wanting to bypass cancer.

Breast and ovarian cancers are the most common among women. It is difficult to prevent the development of the disease, especially when there are women suffering from oncology among the closest relatives.

Advances in medicine are making it possible to determine the presence of cancer-causing genes using genetic analysis.
The editors of estet-portal.com will provide the necessary information about this test, its pros and cons, and also name those who should have the procedure.

1. Who needs a genetic analysis
2. Pros and cons of diagnosis using genetic analysis
3. What to do when a genetic test is positive
4. Genetic analysis carried out – how to reduce the chances of developing pathologies

Who needs a genetic analysis

If you wish, you can go to special laboratories and undergo genetic testing to determine the presence of cancer-causing genes. But do you need it?

Some cancers can be inherited. When it comes to breast and ovarian cancer, genes play a big role.

Specialists recommend that you turn to gene analysis if you have a history of cancer in your family or if you suspect that you have a mutated gene.

If you look at the statistics, then out of 100 women who have a mutation in the BRCA1 gene, breast cancer develops over time (in 60-90 people) or ovarian cancer in 40 -60.

For oncological diseases of the ovaries and breasts, such a factor as heredity is characteristic, so women should use genetic analysis if relatives were ill.

Pros and cons of diagnosis by genetic analysis

Like any diagnostic method, gene analysis has its positive and negative sides.

Among the advantages of the procedure are:

•    obtaining a result removes the fear of ignorance, which will help avoid an anxiety state due to one's own health;

•    Having a positive result will allow you to adjust your lifestyle to minimize the chances of developing the disease (proper nutrition, medication, etc.).

The disadvantages of the study are not always a specific result, since doctors can identify a variation in a gene, and what this will lead to is unknown.

Not every person is ready to get a positive result – some begin to despair, from which psychological problems develop.

What to do when a genetic test is positive

You got a result and it turned out to be positive, what should I do? Remember that the presence of a mutation in the gene does not indicate the manifestation of cancer in the future, but only increases the likelihood of developing the disease.

Therefore, a positive result does not give reason to panic, because other factors also influence its manifestation in the future: previous diseases, lifestyle, the environment in which you live.

When you have 1 BRCA mutation, there is a 50% chance that your siblings also have it, and a 50% chance that you you can pass the gene on to your children.

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Genetic analysis performed – how to reduce the chances of developing pathologies

As already mentioned – the presence of a mutating gene does not give a reason to attribute cancer to oneself.

There are enough ways to help reduce the risk of developing cancer:

•    constantly undergo examination of the mammary glands and ovaries, pay attention to any changes in the organs in order to diagnose the problem in a timely manner;

•    if it is breast cancer, you can get screened every year in the form of MRI or mammography, unfortunately there is no reliable screening for ovaries;

•    surgical operation allows you to remove the organ, even before the development of the disease, but the method has its drawbacks, because it is irreversible;

•    proper diet and exercise. Try to give up bad habits, maintain a normal weight,

do not take birth control pills if you are over 35 years of age. Positive result of genetic analysis – not a sentence. It only signals the likelihood of breast or ovarian cancer. Increases the chances of preventing disease.

As you can see,
genetic analysis

can be beneficial, especially for women who have relatives suffering from breast and ovarian cancer. If you are anxious about this, preventive testing will dispel your doubts. Even after receiving a positive result, it is possible to avoid the development of the disease.

It is up to you to decide whether to analyze or not

, because the method has both pluses and minuses. But in any case, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle so that you have no doubts that you have done everything in your power for your health.

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