Key vitamins for healthy skin: essential elements

Healthy and beautiful skin is not only the result of caring for it.

Beauty starts from the inside, so proper nutrition plays an important role in maintaining a healthy appearance, skin tone and a fresh complexion.

Very often, the skin is the first to react to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

To compensate for the lack of essential nutrients, it is important to know how their deficiency manifests itself.

On, read what vitamins and microelements are necessary for the health and beauty of the skin, as well as what diseases reflect their deficiency.

Key vitamins for healthy skin: essential elements

Nutrition is one of many factors that are essential to maintaining overall skin health.

Malnutrition affects the structural integrity and biological function of the skin, resulting in a compromised skin barrier.

In particular, the importance of micronutrients (such as certain vitamins and minerals) for skin health has been emphasized in cell culture, animal studies, and clinical studies.

The best vitamins for the skin: ideal preparation for aesthetic procedures

These trace minerals are used not only as active compounds in medications to treat certain skin conditions, but also as ingredients in cosmetic products.

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What vitamins and microelements are of particular importance for skin health?

  1. Vitamin E;
  2. Vitamin D;
  3. Copper;
  4. Selenium;
  5. Vitamin A;
  6. Vitamin C;
  7. Zinc.

A number of antioxidant chemicals, including vitamin C, maintain skin homeostasis by protecting proteins and lipids from oxidation.

Antioxidant vitamin C: the protagonist of a cosmetology novel

In addition, exogenous nutrients such as α-tocopherol, β-carotene, lycopene, and lutein may promote UV barrier formation through enzymatic and nonenzymatic mechanisms.

How essential microelements and vitamins affect the skin

1. Vitamin A:

  • Modulates the proliferation of epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts;
  • Prevents skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation;
  • Useful for the prevention and treatment of psoriasis, ichthyosis and acne.

2. Vitamin C:

  • Suppresses the production of free radicals caused by ultraviolet radiation, protecting cells from oxidative stress;
  • Reduces skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation;
  • Promotes wound healing;
  • Increases moisture content in the epidermis, improves skin hydration.

3. Vitamin D:

  • Improves innate immunity (by stimulating the production of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin);
  • Modulates inflammation, angiogenesis, wound healing.

4. Vitamin E:

  • Suppresses lipid peroxidation;
  • Blocks photoaging;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

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5. Zinc:

  • Protects against photodamage;
  • Shows antimicrobial activity.

6. Copper:

  • Serves as an antioxidant;
  • Stimulates collagen maturation;
  • Modulates melanin synthesis.

7. Selenium:

  • Protects skin from oxidative stress caused by ultraviolet radiation;
  • Useful for the prevention and treatment of psoriasis.

Skin diseases that are associated with micronutrient deficiencies

Vitamin A

  • Atopic dermatitis;
  • Delayed wound healing.

Vitamin C

  • Thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • Subcutaneous bleeding and delayed wound healing with scurvy.

Vitamin D

  • Atopic dermatitis.

Vitamin E

  • Skin ulcerations;
  • Changes in skin collagen cross-linking.


  • Epidermolysis bullosa;
  • Atopic dermatitis.


  • Psoriasis;
  • Epidermolysis bullosa;
  • Skin cancer.

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Micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, are not only important components of skin structure, but also modulate many biological functions.

Although the importance of these micronutrients has been widely characterized, therapeutics utilizing such nutrients have been limited to antioxidants and wound healing promoters.

Further research is needed to better understand the previously undefined role of micronutrients to develop potential drugs or cosmetics to treat skin diseases and improve skin barrier function.

Vitamins of group D and their effect on the body: expert recommendations

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