Гормональный баланс: жизнь женщин 35+

The female body – complex mechanism that is very sensitive to change. Time spares no one and is reflected by a change in the hormonal balance in women.

After the age of 35, women enter the pre-menopausal period and experience the peri-menopausal period. It occurs between 35 and 50 years of age. After him comes menopause, at about 45-55 years. During these years, the fair sex is experiencing various changes in itself, unpleasant symptoms.

You need to understand all the stages of the restructuring of the body in order to understand how you can help yourself. The online publication estet-portal.com will help to understand in all the intricacies of hormonal balance women 35+.

1. Characteristics and symptoms of the perimenopausal period
2. What hormones are needed during menopause
3. We establish hormonal balance from the inside and outside

Characteristics and symptoms of the perimenopausal period

Hormonal balance begins to change in the decade before the last menstrual period. The first symptoms women begin to notice by the age of 38-42.

Among them appear:

• intermittent ovulation and periods;

• mood swings;

• bursting into sweat;

• decreased activity;

• overweight.

There are two

stages of premenopause, in which hormonal background suffers and therefore changes are characteristic of the body.

1. First stage:

• the egg stops maturing, the amount of progesterone decreases, and the estrogen fluctuates;

• PMS is more pronounced, the woman experiences insomnia, sometimes depression, absent-mindedness, hot flashes;

• estrogen begins to dominate, weight is gained gradually.

2. Second stage:

• libido and estrogen levels drop;

• low progesterone levels, low mood and depression are common.

Although premenopause is a normal and natural process of development of the female body, but everyone wants to delay it longer.

Recommended for this:

• take a lot of vitamins, especially group C, to increase progesterone levels;

• reduce the amount of coffee and sugar;

• do physical exercises, sign up for yoga;

• control the work of the thyroid gland, which has a large role

in the production of hormones. If you decide to help your body with hormonal drugs, first consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will check the level of all hormones and tell you which drugs are better to buy at the pharmacy or simply add some product to the diet.

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Instagram. What hormones are needed during menopause

The menopause countdown starts 12 months after the last menstrual period. Women experience all the symptoms of premenopause more aggravated.

You can help your hormonal balance during the transition to a new period by

using these vitamins:

• take vitamin E to reduce mood swings and hot flashes;

• magnesium will help reduce fatigue, absent-mindedness;

maca root has the ability to increase libido, overcome insomnia, normalize weight; • ginseng reduces fatigue, reduces manifestations of depression.

Bioidentical Hormones

– as close as possible to natural hormones, but not suitable for everyone. Therefore, at first it is recommended to take small proportions in order to understand your reaction,

and then increase the dose.

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Proper nutrition is important to observe throughout life, but during the life of women 35+ – this is becoming extremely important. After all, food contains vitamins that affect the
hormonal balance

of the body.

A woman in perimenopause should lean on:

oysters – the product is rich in copper, necessary to increase testosterone. In case of intolerance to oysters, replace them with cashews. Cashew nuts contain zinc and iron;

Brazil nuts provide the body with a daily dose of selenium, which plays an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Just 5 nuts a day will help normalize hormonal balance.

an omega-3 acid

found in fish or fish oil. Taking 4 mg of fish oil for a month and a half, in women 35+, morning cortisol levels will decrease and the chance of obesity will decrease. vitamin B5 reduces the amount of cortisol in the body, it is recommended to take 500 mg per day.

In addition to taking food, you need to help your hormonal balance from the outside. To do this, women need to listen to their body and feelings.

Also recommended:

Minimize alcohol consumption. It provokes the production of cortisol, disrupts sleep, slows down metabolism;

control the sleep rate, namely sleep at least 7 hours a day. Sleep helps restore strength, maintain hormonal balance and slow down aging;
  1. less stress – meet friends, go for a walk, go for a massage;
  2. go in for sports, especially interval training showed itself well;
  3. think positively. After all, pumping yourself with bad thoughts, you only worsen your condition and hormonal balance.
  4. In case of sleep disturbances, we advise you to keep the room at a cool temperature. This way you will sleep sweeter and benefit your skin condition.
  5. The period of life after 35+ can be the best, the main thing is to perceive premenopause as a new stage of development. You become wiser and more experienced.
Adhering to the rules of nutrition and behavior, you can not feel the symptoms of changes in the body at all.

To keep

hormonal balance

within normal limits, saturate your body with vitamins and minerals. Take more time for yourself, read, walk, relax, and leave the haste, stress and lack of sleep to the youth. And then you will meet menopause calmly and confidently.

Obesity Confronting After 40: How to Lose Weight During Menopause

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