Not a single process in our body occurs without the influence of certain hormones on it. Appetite, mood, appearance – all of this is under the control of chemicals that control our life. Even our actions at the moments of making important decisions depend on the hormonal background. Therefore, you need to figure out which hormones affect women's behavior, and what will happen if there is a failure in the regulation of their activity, recalls What organs are responsible for the production of the main female hormones?
What hormones do the adrenal glands produce?
The adrenal glands are the glands of the body's endocrine system. These are paired organs. Their activity is regulated by the nervous system. Their structure is divided into 2 parts:
- cerebral,
- cortical.
The adrenal glands are responsible for the production of important hormones such as:
- androgens,
- adrenaline and norepinephrine.
Androgens influence on the body
Androgens in general – male hormones. But in the body of a woman they are also present. Their activities are controlled by:
- logical decision making,
- the ability to bear liability,
- appearance of excess hair on the body,
- and even the presence of alopecia etc.
That is, they control all the basic male qualities. Also, testosterone, which is produced by the adrenal glands, brings a lot of trouble to ladies, forcing them to use hair removal services again and again. As a cosmetic problem, increased testosterone levels are not only manifested in excessive hairiness, but also in the appearance of acne or acne.
If you are worried about such problems, then only a gynecologist together with an endocrinologist can solve them after examining the tests and prescribing adequate treatment. Also, try to remove "male foods" like red meat from your diet and add more sex to your life.
How do epinephrine and norepinephrine work?
These adrenal hormones respond to danger and, when released, they contribute to:
- muscle tension,
- pupil dilation.
- rapid heartbeat,
- constriction of blood vessels,
- concentration of attention in an extreme situation.
Usually, their release is provoked by the stresses that occur to us every day.
If these hormones are not used for physical activity, they can lead to a state of neurosis, tachycardia, and hypertension.
In order to properly "use" epinephrine and norepinephrine, you need to provide yourself with cardio loads at least 3 times a week in order to avoid the harmful effects of stress hormones. And it is better to do every day for 20-40 minutes of any physical exercise.
Read also: How the level of female hormones changes with obesity
The work of the ovaries and the main hormones of the female body
The ovaries produce the main female sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone. Depending on hormonal surges, they behave interchangeably: one rises, the second decreases. They are also responsible for:
- menstrual cycle,
- possibility to have offspring,
- PMS.
If their balance is disturbed, then everything that makes you a woman begins to suffer. Infertility may also develop.
To avoid problems with these important hormones, try to maintain your weight within the normal range and eat well. Also, estrogen can be positively affected by consumption of:
- different types of cabbage,
- citrus,
- cereals.
Major thyroid hormones
Our mood and memory depend on such hormones as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. They contribute to the processing of proteins into energy reserves and are responsible for the overall tone. If your thyroid is suffering, then you feel:
- Depression.
- Fatigue.
- Depression.
- States of excessive excitement, etc.
Iodine-containing foods (seafood, fish, seaweed) can help the thyroid gland work in a healthy mode all the time.
Behavior of stomach and pancreatic hormones
The stomach and pancreas are responsible for ghrelin levels, which control hunger. The hormone leptin, which is produced by fat cells, on the contrary, signals the saturation of the body.
For these hormones to give the "correct" signals to your body, try to give up fast carbohydrates and bad cholesterol.
Then the signals given by them will only occur when the body is really hungry, and cravings for sweets will come to naught.
The main hormones of our brain
Our brain "manages" a large number of secreted hormones that are involved in all areas of activity. So:
- Oxytocin - promotes motherhood by contracting the uterus after childbirth and increasing milk production. Also, pleasant sensations during sex and dizziness during falling in love are also his work.
- Melatonin - provides normal sleep and is produced in the absence of light. It can also work as a sedative, alleviating stressful conditions in the body.
- Somatotropin – determines how plump your buttocks and thin waist will be, controlling fat deposits in these areas. It also promotes bone growth and aids decision making in extreme conditions.
- Endorphins - are responsible for your good mood and reduce the pain threshold. They also have a positive effect on the immune system and the functioning of the endocrine system.
As you can see, the hormonal background – it is the most important source of excellent health and longevity. Therefore, listen to our advice and keep the main hormones of the female body normal with
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