7 шагов к стройности: как начать строить тело своей мечты

Indulging in dreams of an ideal figure, we often cannot take the first step, our portal agrees. Endlessly looking at glossy magazines with slender figures of famous beauties, we remain with our dreams of a beautiful figure and a healthy body.

But taking the first step is quite simple, and we will try to inspire you to completely reset your life, to help build the perfect body. Where do you need to start to get things off the ground? How to approach the start of training? What is the fundamental factor in the transition to a healthy lifestyle?

Building the body: the main thing – realize and motivate

To start building your ideal body, you need to realize that it will fit your lifestyle all the time. You will always have to exercise and monitor your nutrition system. It's like quitting smoking  – made a decision and follow it.

Therefore, once and for all, you should forget the words "diet"; and "pump up the ass." You need not temporary, but permanent results. As soon as the awareness of this fact is firmly established in your consciousness, you will understand that it simply does not work in a different way.

Take a "Before" photo for motivation, so you never forget why you entered the fight against extra pounds.

Make sure to read the literature

If you decide on this path on your own, then do not forget to back up your determination with a theoretical base, since there is a lot of information about a healthy lifestyle. Choose what is closer to you. By the way, there are enough recommendations on this topic on estet-portal.com.

Whatever you come up with for yourself, but there are laws of nature and processes in the body that you should listen to when choosing for yourself this or that type of weight loss.

Change your schedule

Now be sure to prioritize taking care of yourself. No matter how busy your schedule is, you need to take time for yourself every day. Going to the gym or morning run should be a priority for you, 3 times a week for the 1st hour.

 Develop a system of loads that you plan to apply, and strictly follow the training regimen. If you can’t afford the services of a specialist, it doesn’t matter, now there are many other ways to practice - the same Youtube to master the exercises yourself.

Read also: Complete body transformation in just 30 days – 10-minute set of exercises

Be sure to control what you eat

Without the right approach to nutrition, your efforts in the gym will simply come to naught. Only the combination of these 2 components will allow you to build muscle and get rid of excess weight.

At first, of course, it will be difficult to constantly count the calories eaten, but over time you will do it automatically. Yes, and your own body to "hear" also learn, it will itself tell you what it needs at one time or another.

First, determine your daily calorie intake. When you eat more than this norm – then the mass gain process starts if – less, then the process of losing weight.

If you are building muscle, counting will give you an idea of ​​how much muscle you are building with a given number of calories.

My default image

Be sure to record your achievements

With a complete restructuring of the lifestyle, the first 3 months will be most effective, since the result of your work will be visible to the naked eye. And in six months you won't recognize yourself. So motivate yourself with a photo of the results achieved.

Compare it to the original and you'll get a second wind.

Set new goals

When the first results are achieved, when the difference between what was and what is becomes obvious, the main thing is not to stop and not slow down. This is one of the biggest mistakes beginner healthy lifestyles make. This happens because cardinal changes in appearance and well-being no longer occur, and we get bored.

Therefore, set new goals for yourself. Hang a picture with the person you want to be like, or use other motivational tools that will "push" just you.

Vary your workouts and load

If your goal at the initial stage was to burn extra pounds, then upon reaching this goal, determine for yourself, for example, building strength or increasing endurance.

Over time, you yourself will be surprised how you used to live differently. Indeed, in addition to health and an ideal figure, you will also have confidence in yourself and your own abilities.

If you have mastered yoga, then go to Pilates or dance on a pole. Anything that can diversify your workouts and motivate you to continue a healthy lifestyle will be acceptable. Go to healthy lifestyle with estet-portal.com, let's build the perfect body together.

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