Как пережить жару: инструкция о выживанию

Summer sometimes resembles the movie "The Revenant", when everyone around is trying not to die, fighting for a place in the shade and the only actual question "how to survive the heat"? Someone endures it easily and completely painlessly , so to speak, someone is reviewing winter photos and marking in red on the calendar the remaining days until the first frosts. But even if the summer heat does not bring discomfort, you still need to be careful and adhere to certain rules.

The editors of estet-portal.com offer you a list of useful tips on how to survive the heat.

Choose cooling products and minimize oven use

Food has a cooling effect on your body if you know what to choose. Choose salads, fresh raw foods, vegetables and fruits. Cucumbers – a wonderful cooling agent as it is almost 100% water providing hydration to keep you cool. Avoid eating meat and high protein foods during the heat of the day because it can increase metabolic heat production, which can lead to water loss.

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It may sound counterintuitive, but eating hot peppers can help keep you cool. They make you sweat which gives you a cooling sensation.

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Reduce the amount of food you eat, as this can also help lower your body temperature. The more food, the more energy it will take to process it.

Make food without using an oven or stovetop. Find foods that don't need to be cooked or that don't need to be reheated. Minimize the use of the stove or oven. For example, you can microwave frozen vegetables and canned soup instead of cooking them on the stove.

Make popsicles, jellies, frozen fruits, frozen yogurt, and other treats that will keep you cool.

Reduce alcohol consumption on hot days, replace hot coffee with cold coffee. How to survive the heat: watch out for the sun

Stay away from the sun, especially during the times when it is at its most dangerous. It is best to limit sun exposure between 10:00 and 16:00.

Some people are particularly vulnerable to heat and need to stay cool during hot weather, such as children, the elderly, overweight people, and those with health problems.

My default imagePut on sunscreen! Although sunscreen does not necessarily have a cooling effect, its protective effect is vital in hot sunny weather. In addition to being painful and harmful, sunburn can cause fever and various signs of dehydration. If left unchecked, sunburn can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Be sure to hide moles under your clothes!

Sunburn: The effects of the sun on the body Use SPF 15 as a minimum. If you plan to be outside for a while, SPF 30

would be the best option. How to Survive the Heat: Shade and Water

Stay in the shadows. Tree breaks work doubly well because the trees release water into the air, which absorbs some of the heat. Although the shade does not lower the actual temperature, the absence of sunlight makes the temperature feel 15 degrees colder.

My default imageIf a cool breeze comes up, it can bring the temperature down an additional 5 degrees.

How much water should you drink per day to maintain a healthy lifestyleWhen it's hot and sunny outside, swimming in cool water is refreshing. Jumping into the pool is not always an option. You can also try taking a shower or bath with colder water than usual to help relieve the fever. Use thermal water

for face and body. How to survive the heat: choosing a wardrobe

Wear lighter, looser clothing. It is desirable in light shades, so the white color better reflects heat and sunlight. Shorts and short sleeved shirts are a good choice. It is best to wear clothing that allows air to pass freely through it onto the body.

My default imageCotton and linen clothing tend to stay cool and absorb moisture.

Synthetic clothing tends to trap moisture, making the fabric heavier, sticky to the skin, and restrict air flow.

Wear a wide-brimmed hat or cap, in general, any head covering.

Wear breathable shoes.

Air conditioning is our everything in the summer heat

How to survive the heat?

Easy! Use conditioner. Even if your home doesn't have an air conditioning system, placing a small window air conditioner in one room of your home can help keep you cool in the summer. For example, you can place the air conditioner in the room where you spend the most time, such as the living room, the kitchen, or your bedroom.

My default imageClose curtains and blinds. The sun's rays turn into heat. Whatever the case, you must block the rays entering your home in order to keep the temperature down. By closing curtains, lowering curtains, or even blocking windows, you can significantly reduce the temperature in your home and keep the air cool. Awnings also work because they protect from direct heat without blocking out all the light.

A few possible places to escape the heat:
The library is a great place to cool off and learn new information.

Grocery stores are air conditioned. And if it's especially hot, visit the freezer section and pretend you're picking your food carefully.

Body oil: how to choose

and how to use Heat Escape Plan

Plan ahead. Whatever you do outdoors, having a plan will help cut down on unnecessary activity in the heat. With a plan in place, you can set a time limit for being out in the heat.

When hiking, study the map early in the day and calculate the best route, especially one that makes the most of the shade where possible.

If you have to travel a lot on hot days in your car, plan ahead by checking your vehicle and making sure your air conditioner is in working order. When you notice that the air conditioner is not cooling as it should, the car may be low on Freon.

Allow yourself time to acclimatize if you are traveling. Travelers often make the mistake of trying to maintain a normal level of activity, when they arrive in a country warmer than the one they left. Acclimatization can take up to 10 days depending on the temperature difference. Instead of pushing yourself, give yourself time to get used to the new warmer environment, which means minimizing physical activity until the heat is more bearable.

My default imageSo, by following our list
"how to beat the heat"
you will be able to survive the summer sun with little effort.
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