Как понять, уходит лишний вес или вода из организма

Many people sooner or later decide to lose weight, put their body in order. Various methods are used: diets, gym, supplements, etc. However, many methods are not focused on losing fat (and this is the main goal of losing weight), but on reducing weight by removing water. How to understand whether water or fat leaves the body during weight loss? And what diets should not be tried at all?

The editors of estet-portal.com will talk about what you need to pay attention to, and how to lose weight correctly.

Body fat or water: how to understand that you are losing weight

The main mistake of all losing weight – focus on weights. Of course, this is also a method of controlling your condition, but you can’t judge the effectiveness of the diet only by the lost kilograms. You need to focus on body measurements – that is, before starting to lose weight, measure the girth of the "strategic" body zones: hips, waist, etc. And then periodically take control measurements.

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If these numbers are less than – that means the fat is gone. In this case, the indicators on the scales may not change. Most often, a sharp jump like "minus two" happens due to water loss. And such fluctuations can be during the day – that is, for example, in the evening you can find a loss of two kilos, and in the morning the scales will show plus one. 

Read also: Tabata workouts: how to lose weight once and for all

How much fat can you lose per day? – Let's just say that you can not lose a kilogram or two of fat in a day. The maximum that an ordinary person (not an athlete) can count on, – it is 100-150 grams. That is, the maximum – You can lose a kilogram in a week, and this is a normal result. A large number means that water is still leaving with fat. Therefore, weighing every day does not make sense, and it is better to do this once a week.

Fat from the body or water: which diets do not remove fat

Now on the Internet or among the newfangled "weight loss gurus" there are many diets that are called effective – They really do help you shed pounds! However, they do this at the expense of water loss, and at the end of such a diet, there is a rapid weight gain. As a result, a person develops a certain dependence – I am losing weight on this diet, but without it I am only gaining. As a result of such "swings" it’s definitely impossible to achieve a slender figure, but to harm your health – you can.

Read also: Psychology of weight loss: how to set the mood for weight loss


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So what diets should be avoided? – Those that use one or more than one of the following:

  • Diuretics – it can be some kind of slimming capsules or tea. You should not get involved in such a diet, even if "all natural." Diuretics give a big load on the kidneys, remove the fluid – and only due to this there is weight loss, but the fat does not go anywhere.

  • Low calorie diets – at first, the weights go down, but only due to the loss of water and glycogen. Fat leaves a very small percentage, but at the end of such a diet returns – even more. 

  • Low-salt diets – at first you will lose weight, because due to the lack of salt in the diet, water will not be retained. There is no harm in such a diet, but it is a hoax if they want to convince you in this way that you will lose fat. 

  • Low-Carb Meal Programs – You can’t sit on such a diet all your life, but this is the only way to achieve results. After a couple of weeks on such a nutrition system, you will lose a certain amount of kilograms, but they will return upon returning to the usual nutrition system. In addition, the lack of carbohydrates has a bad effect on well-being – you will simply lack energy during the day.

  • Hot wrap, sauna, cling film wrapping – all this stimulates sweating, you just lose water, but the fat does not go anywhere.


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Water or fat from the body – what will go away in the process of losing weight? It depends on which power system you choose. Eating right with enough calories, healthy foods and, of course, exercise works best. In the process, remember that the main indicator of weight loss – These are changes in body volume, not indicators on the scales. It is better to weigh yourself and take body measurements once a week, and not every day. After all, only water can go away in a day, and there is very little fat – the normal, healthy process of losing weight does not happen quickly.

Read also: Diet by body type – lose weight right

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