Как привить ребенку любовь к чтению художественных книг

Earlier, children's leisure was limited to games in the yard and active visits to libraries. Then the girls and boys eagerly read fairy tales and adventure stories, and then enthusiastically retold their stories to their peers.

But the current generation is no longer the same. Children spend more time playing computer games and social media than they do art books.

But in vain, because reading – a valuable skill that will come in handy in the future. This lesson expands the horizons, replenishes vocabulary, trains memory, teaches non-standard and analytical thinking, makes you literate, and also develops imagination and fantasy.

Therefore, it is not by chance that teachers and parents puzzle over how to instill in children a love for this useful process.

There are several effective methods that will help you get your child off the screen of a computer or tablet and switch their interest to books. The Internet edition estet-portal.com will tell you about them.

1. Show your child a good example – read fiction books yourself
2. Instill a love of reading from infancy
3. Use the Kassil method to stir up interest
4. Don't make reading an "obligation"
5. Let your child make the choice

Show your child a good example – read fiction books yourself

Children often imitate adults: girls dress up in their mother's dresses and put on shoes, and boys willingly pick up wrenches and "repair" your toys.

So why not use this childish feature to encourage your child to read fiction books?

If your child sees that you are spending your leisure time with a paper product in your hands, and also discussing what you read with other family members with pleasure, he himself will become eager to copy the behavior of adults, and will read with pleasure.

And, conversely, if you spend your free evenings watching TV or at the computer, your child is unlikely to have a desire to pick up a book.

Personal example – the best incentive for a child. When he sees that his parents are developing and enjoying it, he himself is emotionally fueled.

It would be better if you create some kind of ritual – family reading, that is, when the whole family gets together: one person reads, and everyone else listens attentively.

Instill a love of reading from infancy

Psychologists say that if a person by the age of 9-12 is still not interested in reading fiction books, then he will never love this activity.

That is why it is important to start introducing your child to the literary world even when he is just learning to crawl and actively begins to explore the world around him.

Buy your child little books with colorful pictures of animals or fairy-tale characters. Let him examine them, turn the pages. And when he grows up a little, read him fairy tales or poems before going to bed. And try not to do it monotonously.

Turn this useful activity into an acting game: change voices depending on one or another hero, where you need – gesture with your hands, cry or laugh.

At the same time, do not forget to involve your child in the game – ask him how many apples he sees on the page, how he sees the end of the story , etc. Thus, from the very beginning, the child will associate the book with something interesting and funny.

Use the Kassil method to stir up interest

You have probably noticed one thing more than once: films are interrupted by advertisements in the most interesting place. This is to ensure that you do not switch to another channel, looking forward to continuing.

Why not take advantage of advertisers' cunning tricks in relation to reading fiction books? Use the Kassil method? It is designed for those children who already know how to read, but do not like to do it.

Choose a story with a vivid story, read it to your child and stop at the most interesting place, referring to the need to help your grandmother, cook dinner or do other household chores.

The kid, in order to find out how the story ends, will surely take the book in his hands. At that moment, you approach him, praise him and finish reading the artwork with him. You go through one line, and the next two lines – he. And so alternate until the baby burns with the desire to read the book to the end on his own.

Don't make reading an "obligation"

The main reason why a child categorically refuses to read art books – that word is "should". Many parents are sure that if the kid has already learned to read, then this should be done every day, like lessons.

But to force him, and even more so to force him to do this, is by no means necessary. Otherwise, the child will be turned away from books altogether.

Remember the following: reading – this is a voluntary and natural process. And your task is not to force your son or daughter to read, but to arouse in him or her interest in this activity.

Convey to your child how valuable and pleasant it is to read that the book – it's kind of a journey. And then he will be happy to dive into the plot and turn page after page.

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Let your child make the choice

If your child already knows how to read, do not force him to pick up something that he is absolutely not interested in. Otherwise, you will forever discourage him from reading. Let your child choose the book he would like to read.

Of course, publications must correspond to the age of your blood. So, kids most of all like fairy tales with beautiful pictures, children of primary school age – adventures, and for teenagers – modern fantasy and adventure novels.

What about fiction books that are assigned according to the school curriculum? After all, from the list of compulsory literature, there will surely come across something that the child is not interested in.

There is a little trick: let your child read only short announcements of the literature that he does not like. And if you know their stories, retell them briefly. Thus, you will not discourage the desire to read and at the same time prepare for schoolwork.

Motivate your child to read. For each book you read, praise him and encourage him with gifts. But don't overdo it or he will manipulate you.

Also, in addition to fiction, buy your child educational books and encyclopedias. And choose what suits his hobbies and hobbies. It can be literature about dinosaurs, different countries of the world, wildlife, and so on.

As you can see, instilling in a child a love for reading art books is not so difficult. Main – be patient and follow all the recommendations that we have described in this article.

But, when teaching your child to read, do not take away his childhood. After all, in addition to books, he should have other entertainment. Let him play in the street with his peers in his free time, watch his favorite cartoons and films, or put together puzzles. And only then will he return to reading books with pleasure and grow up as a harmonious personality.

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