Как привить ребёнку любовь к чтению

Reading skills and love for it — they are completely different concepts. Today's children, as a rule, learn to read much earlier than their peers of the last century, but they read less. And at school, most of them do it by force.

This happens in many ways also because there are parents who absolutely sincerely cannot understand why a person today, in the age of the Internet, needs reading, when there are many other sources of pleasant pastime. But when reading, a person thinks, his feelings are formed.

Reading is great for developing the intellect and imagination. So how do you grow a real reader? Our portal advises.

How to help your child "get a taste" to read

Cultivate love for the book by example

In the matter of cultivating a love of reading, much depends on family traditions: if adults cannot live without a book, then the younger generation will also read. And if parents don't read, who should their children follow? 

Often, parents visit psychologists with complaints about the cold-blooded attitude of their son or daughter to reading, and to questions like whether their child sees their mother or father reading a book, they receive an answer that they have no time. But after all, the love of reading will not arise by itself where it has never been. Therefore, you need to take the initiative into your own hands, stock up on interesting books and read.

Main — fun! 

Try to create a personal reading trajectory for your child. To do this, it is advisable to read books that are suitable for the subject. After all, it is important to make sure that the time spent reading a book does not become a compulsion for the child, but is associated with pleasant moments of life.

Often, parents, in their desire to raise a child prodigy, begin to put pressure on the child, to bargain for each line they read on their own, promising to read aloud to him later. But such an approach to one of the pleasant activities of a person is completely inappropriate.

To make the child associate the process of reading only with pleasure, you can turn this action into joint leisure.

And when the turn of educational literature comes, it will not become an unbearable "burden" for your child.

Reading together can be turned into an educational game, inviting the child to discuss the pictures, count objects on them, find something, follow the changes of the characters, etc. The main — do not overdo it and remember that reading should be a joy for a baby.


Read aloud — so we communicate

In the process of reading to a child, he is already glad that mom or dad are nearby, paying attention to him, and this pleasant action is fixed in memory as bringing pleasure.  

Among other things, in these moments you completely belong to your child, because you cannot do something else at the same time, as is usually the case when communicating (and even playing) with a child: wash dishes, cook, send messages by phone, etc. e. In this case, there is full contact and this is fine.

From — in real life

Reading is also useful for its psychotherapeutic effects. Even a fairy tale can help both children and adults find a way out of various life situations. Or descriptions of stories and examples of characters. The child tends to impose a bookish model of behavior on their emotions and feelings.

For example, if a kid is afraid of nightmares (and the little hero in the book successfully copes with them), he comes to understand that he is not alone and this fear can be dealt with.

Of course, some people have so-called book children who don't need to be involved in reading. And if your child is not one of them, then only your daily painstaking parental work can help instill in your offspring a love of books. We hope that our recommendations will help you in this useful work.

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