Как уравновесить гормональный фон – гиперплазия эндометрия в менопаузе

Hyperplasia – the process when the lining of the uterus grows. This condition does not depend on age, occurs in the amount of 5-25% of all gynecological diseases. The thickness of the endometrium is important for the successful conception and bearing of a child. The mucous membrane thickens under the influence of estrogen and progesterone. Pathological tissue growth causes hormonal failure when the level of estrogen exceeds the norm. Crossing the border of premenopause means that the woman's body is preparing for the logical conclusion of the reproductive function. It is in this period that a hormonal imbalance is observed, which leads to a condition known as endometrial hyperplasia in menopause.

estet-portal.com will talk about the causes and signs of this condition. <

  • Endometrial hyperplasia in menopause – features
  • Endometrium in menopause – key figures
  • General symptoms of the disease – endometrial hyperplasia
  • Causes of the growth of mucous tissue in the uterus
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium in menopause – features

The endometrium is characterized by constant renewal, different periods of the cycle leads to a change in the mucous membrane of the Maca. Menopause is characterized by extensive disruptions in the balance of hormones, this leads to the failure of cycles and the disappearance of menstruation. After the age of 45, women enter the menopause period, at which time the risk of gynecological diseases increases.

– at this stage, the last menstruation is observed. Before the start of the cycle, the tissue becomes thicker, after menstruation it becomes thinner. This causes the development of hypoplasia.

3. Postmenopause – in the first 2-4 years, a transitional form of tissues functions, after – mucosal atrophy is formed and it
stops working.
Endometrium in menopause – key figures
The easiest and fastest method for diagnosing gynecological diseases – ultrasound. During menopause, you should be attentive to any alarming signs of the body. During this period, polyps, cysts are often formed, turning into malignant tumors.
Menopausal hormone therapy can prolong life

Normally, the mucous tissues of the uterus are determined by the following sizes:

• tissue thickness in menopause does not exceed 5 mm, in some 6-8 mm;

• with an increase of 6-8 mm, a second ultrasound is prescribed after 3 and 6 months, to assess the state of the uterus in dynamics; My default image
• when the layer is increased to 8 mm, scraping is carried out for laboratory research, such a process is considered a pathology;
• growth of the endometrium up to 10 mm requires an urgent histological examination of a tissue sample. scraping is performed on each site separately. The material is sent for histology,
General symptoms of the disease – endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia in menopause is difficult to determine, due to the latent course of the disease. Without an ultrasound, it is almost impossible to calculate it. The first sign – the appearance of blood discharge, with a thickening of the lining of the uterus. Other signs do not appear, so it is important to contact a gynecologist in a timely manner to eliminate complications.

Possible symptoms:

• bleeding, spotting spotting;

• pain in the abdomen as before menstruation;

• headache and increased fatigue;

• sometimes increased thirst due to high blood sugar;

My default image• sudden increase in weight.

Physiological and pathological changes in the skin during pregnancy

During the menopause, a woman should immediately be alert when traces of blood appear. Such discharge is no longer menstruation, but a signal of a pathological process in the uterine cavity. Any bleeding, regardless of the nature, amount and duration of discharge, –


Causes of proliferation of mucous tissue in the uterus

The following factors are distinguished:

• imbalance of hormones – during menopause, the production of all hormones is reduced until the reproductive function fades completely, self-medication with artificial hormones aggravates the situation; • violation of metabolic processes – the kilograms gained increase the percentage of adipose tissue, it tends to produce estrogens, which leads to a breakdown in the balance of hormones in the body;

• pathology of the endocrine system – in the presence of pathological processes in the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, the level of estrogens rises to an abnormal value; • deviations in the work of immunity – sometimes the immune system identifies the maca's mucous tissues as foreign and dangerous, responding by producing new cells;

• genetic factor – hyperplasia is more likely to occur in women with a hereditary predisposition to it.

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Endometrial hyperplasia in menopause
can develop into a cancerous condition. Drug treatment is prescribed only in the absence of polyps. In the future, regular monitoring of the state of the mucous tissues of the uterus is mandatory.Metformin: a promising treatment for endometrial hyperplasia


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