In Chinese medicine, under the term “stress” three different diagnoses are implied, each of which is associated with the depletion of a particular organ. Human life energy – “qi” – basis of all states of the body. When there is a shortage of this energy, or it is unevenly distributed throughout the body, a disease strikes a person. When an Oriental doctor undertakes the treatment of a patient, he first of all tries to correct both the physiological and the psychological problem. Read the article about the types of stress according to Chinese medicine.

Types of stress according to Chinese medicine

Stress 1 – Kidneys

When the kidney qi is depleted, we call this state of prostration, which is characterized by certain symptoms.

Physical layer:

  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • decreased libido;
  • sometimes hormonal imbalance or urinary tract disease.

On a psychological level:

  • feeling of one's own impotence;
  • anxiety;
  • fear;
  • irritability.

To get rid of this type of stress, you need to regularly replenish your energy supply. According to Chinese medicine, this can be done through sleep, breathing and food.

Dream. Due to the constant lack of time, many have long forgotten what a full sleep is – on weekdays, work interferes with sleep, and on weekends you need to solve all the cases for which there is no time on working days.

Ideally, you need to go away for a week to some quiet place outside the city, turn off the phone and sleep enough. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a luxury, so try to get a good night's sleep at least on weekends. And try at least for these 2 days to give up gadgets – they knock down biorhythms and interfere with sleep.

Food. Kidney Qi can be increased by eating a variety of seafood – oysters, fish, mussels, etc. In addition, black sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews and pork are also useful foods for the kidneys.

Meditation. This type of stress is effectively relieved by meditation. At the heart of almost all meditation techniques – concentration on breathing. In this article you can learn how to meditate properly.

Stress 2 – Digestive tract

When the qi of the digestive system is depleted, rather unpleasant symptoms begin to disturb a person.

Physical layer:

  • abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • Stool violation.

Due to the fact that food is not digested and nutrients are not supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, this condition is accompanied by weakness, pallor and a tendency to dizziness.

On a psychological level:

  • accumulation of grievances;
  • refusal to communicate without explanation;
  • sudden bouts of aggression;
  • for girls – causeless crying.

Food. People who are faced with gastrointestinal problems are trying to switch to proper nutrition and give up junk food. However, relief does not come due to the fact that the affected gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest raw foods.

Chinese doctors have developed a special diet for people who have experienced this type of stress. For 6-8 months, heat-treated vegetables and fruits, boiled cereals should be consumed. As for soups, their basis should be a broth that has been simmering for a long time. Through the use of easily digestible foods, the gastrointestinal tract is able to rest and recover.

An additional source of vitamin can be goji berries, chia seeds and sesame seeds. You can also improve the functioning of the stomach with spices such as cumin, cloves, ginger, fennel and coriander.

Verbalization. When a person fails to "digest" what is going on around him, cognitive psychology can help in this case. Chinese doctors advise discussing and trying to express your feelings as clearly as possible. For some people, keeping a diary may be a good option, or you can try your hand at acting by enrolling in a course.

Stress 3 – Liver

Due to the stagnation of energy in the liver, other organs and systems are disrupted. This problem at the symptom level can manifest itself in different ways.

Physical layer:

  • sleep disturbances, difficulty waking up;
  • digestion problems.

On a psychological level:

failure to deal with multiple cases.

Food. The main task is to establish fat metabolism – this will help the liver to rest and recover. Fatty meat should be abandoned, instead using vegetable oils and sea fish. Chinese medicine considers the following varieties of fish to be the most useful: sprat, tuna, anchovy, salmon and mackerel. If circumstances do not allow regular purchase of fresh or frozen fish, it can be replaced with omega-3 dietary supplements.

Also beneficial effects on the liver: rosehip, marjoram, mint, anise, cardamom, rosemary.

Planning. To cope with the lack of vision, you need to learn how to plan your time. First of all, you should make a clear to-do list – doable, unfeasible and hypothetical. After the cases are sorted opposite their completion, do not forget to check the boxes. A person with a healthy liver knows exactly what he wants now and in the future.

Exercise. In Chinese medicine, it is believed that it is possible to get rid of stress with the help of special exercises. Through physical activity, stress hormones are burned and additional energy is released.

Listen to your feelings – any psychological problems always result in health problems.

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