Как выбрать зубную пасту: полезные и опасные компоненты

The main task of toothpaste — remove plaque covering the enamel. Microbial colonies live in it, which eventually destroy teeth, cause caries, provoke inflammation and, in the end, lead to tooth loss.

Ideally, the paste should remove plaque, kill pathogenic bacteria and protect the enamel. But in reality, an improperly selected composition not only fails to cope with its functions, but also harms the entire body. Together with estet-portal.com we will figure out how to determine the quality of toothpaste and choose a good one.

  1. Groups of toothpastes depending on appointment
  2. What is the best toothpaste
  3. How to know the quality of toothpaste
  4. How to choose a toothpaste: briefly about the main thing

Groups of toothpastes depending on appointment

All compositions can be divided into two large groups — hygienic and treatment-and-prophylactic. The former are used exclusively for oral care, while the latter are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

 hygienic toothpastes may have additional features — bleaching, deodorization, etc. And the group of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes includes therapeutic ones, which are used as additional means in the treatment of dental diseases. They are used on recommendation of a doctor.

The composition of toothpastes directly depends on their main and additional functions:

  • Whitening. Contains peroxides, enzymes, abrasives. When choosing such pastes, special attention should be paid to the RDA value. This is the abrasiveness index, which indicates the size of the particles. According to the ISO standard, it should not exceed 250.

  • Fluorine-containing. Formulated with fluorides to protect enamel.

  • Sorption. These are pastes with enterosgel, helping to get rid of toxins.

  • For sensitive teeth. The composition contains analgesic, remineralizing components. Pastes are used for high sensitivity of tooth enamel.

  • Saline. Pastes with mineral salts are designed to normalize blood circulation, metabolic processes in gums.

  • Anti-inflammatory. Antibacterial therapeutic formulations designed to combat gingivitis and periodontitis. They contain ingredients based on medicinal phyto-raw materials, enzymes, vitamins, and also triclosan, biosol, chlorhexidine.

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According to the advertising of these pastes, they can become almost a panacea for all dental problems. But not everything is so simple.  many components have side effects that the manufacturers do not cover.

Read also: Toothbrush vs toothpaste: which is more important

For example, the widely advertised antiseptic triclosan is really an excellent disinfectant, but at the same time it negatively affects the hormonal background and the entire reproductive system of the body as a whole. Pastes with triclosan cannot be used during pregnancy, lactation. If it is impossible to do without a paste with an antiseptic, it is better to limit its use to two weeks.

What is the best toothpaste

We are used to being advertised with pastes with fluorine, calcium and herbs. It is worth understanding what WHO experts think about this.

Fluorine for caries prevention

The only components recommended by WHO for prevention of caries, — These are fluorides. These trace elements create a film on the teeth that protects against the effects of acids. They also contribute to an increase in the amount of calcium in the structure of the teeth.

Fluoride is believed to have no harmful side effects, so these pastes are recommended for everyone except those living in areas where water contains excess fluoride. To find out if your city belongs to the  risk group, it is enough to clarify this issue with the local sanitary and epidemiological station.

A controversy is unfolding around fluorine: more and more experts say that it is useless. But for the time being, it is worth focusing on the opinion of the WHO.

Calcium in children's pastes

The more calcium, the stronger the teeth — axiom. Therefore, manufacturers add calcium to children's and adult toothpastes, actively advertise "improved" compound. In practice, this is a completely useless component. It is not absorbed by the body because human saliva contains more calcium than paste.

Honey, propolis & herbs

Bee products have not been proven effective in toothpastes. It's best to just take them internally. And here the extracts of medicinal herbs really work. They relieve inflammation, disinfect, refresh the oral cavity. Pastes with soda have the same effect.

How to know the quality of toothpaste

Before you buy toothpaste, you need to be sure of its quality and safety. Manufacturers make special marks on each tube, which almost no one pays attention to. Pay attention to & nbsp; the marking of the tube. A square is drawn there, and its color indicates the degree of safety of the composition:

  • green — the best option, there are a lot of natural organic ingredients in such a paste;

  • blue — in composition of natural and synthetic components;

  • red — there is a small amount of unsafe substances;

  • black — the paste consists of chemistry, and some components are dangerous.

How to choose a toothpaste: briefly about the main thing

How do you find a good toothpaste? It's simple:

  • Avoid compounds with additional — whitening, anti-inflammatory and similar, if they are not in special need.
  • Less trust the promises of manufacturers and do not overpay for "useful" components like calcium, honey, propolis. Pleasant exceptions — soda and herbs.
  • Be sure to look at the color of the markings, avoid black and red squares.
  • Consult your doctor, he will tell you what kind of paste is needed for your teeth.
    Be healthy and smile more often!

Read also: 8 Mistakes when brushing your teeth

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