Летний массаж: в чем особенности процедуры в жару и после

There is a tendency that in winter people visit masseurs more often, believing that during this period the body needs special care. With the onset of the summer season, the need for body care does not disappear, even if there is no cold wind and frost, but the scorching sun comes to replace them.

In hot weather, not only the skin suffers, but the whole body: edema appears more often, blood circulation worsens, blood pressure rises. Summer massage, which estet-portal.com will tell about, can help you relax.

What are the features of the technique in the summer

, what parts of the body are most in need of a massage procedure, the article will tell. Summer massage: why we need it

Massage – wellness procedure that the body needs at any time of the year. During the summer, the technique is aimed at solving the following problems:

•    stress and fatigue accompany us, especially if there is a lot of time left before the vacation, and the hot sun takes away all the strength, the relaxing technique will help you rest and relax;

•    lack of muscle tone, because in winter we move less, so in summer it is difficult to return to shape, massage will help restore ease of movement and mobility;

•    overweight attracts attention with the onset of the beach season, with the help of technology it is much easier to get a beautiful figure;

•    puffiness, appears due to the deterioration of blood circulation, and massage will accelerate the lymph flow and relieve swelling.

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Massage in the hot season is worth doing, observing a few rules. Their implementation will make the procedure comfortable and efficient:

•    avoid performing the technique during the hot period of the day, ideally transfer the procedure to the evening, if this is not possible, then turn on the air conditioner or ventilate the room before the session;

•    before the massage, be sure to take a shower so that the body has cooled down from the hot day;

•    put on light clothes made of natural fabrics after the procedure;

•    The course of massage should not exceed 10 days, unless otherwise recommended by a specialist.

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Facebook! When performing a summer massage to lose weight, use a massage brush to enhance the effect of the procedure.

Foot massage: why it is necessary in summer

Due to the deterioration of blood circulation, many suffer from increased swelling on hot days, which is noticeable in the late afternoon. Swollen legs not only cause discomfort, but also cause pain.

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Therefore, in summer, the legs need a massage more than ever, because the procedure:

•    relieve fatigue;

•    improve lymph flow;

•    reduce puffiness;

•    will increase drainage.

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The foot massage technique is as follows:

•    take a position lying on your back or on your stomach as comfortable;

•    the session starts from below and leads to the top of the legs, first they massage the feet, fingers and go higher to the hips;

•    talc is used as a massage agent, which will create a friction force;

•    movements are light and massaging, separately work out the hip joint in a pose on the side;

•    The first session lasts no more than 5-10 minutes.

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Resting season for the body: professional summer treatments Massage after summer: preparing the body for autumn

It would seem that during the summer the body rested, the body replenished its vitamin reserves due to the abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. But still, massage remains relevant after the summer, especially women, in a hurry to visit a massage parlor to prepare the body for the cold.

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After the summer season, the procedure is necessary for several reasons:

•    due to sunny weather, the skin has lost a large amount of moisture, which is easy to return with the help of massage and oils for it;

•    to consolidate the result of the resulting figure, which you have achieved through diet and training;

•    so as not to start moping in autumn rainy weather.

Summer massage is just as important as any other time of the year. This technique is designed to solve special problems according to the hot season, so if you want to get a portion of relaxation on a summer day, then hurry to the massage therapist.

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