Личная зона комфорта: как ее определить и расширить

The  comfort zone is talked about a lot, especially often it is mentioned in Internet motivators. Some advise to leave it, others complain that they cannot enter. The question of what constitutes a personal comfort zone remains open. It all depends on how much a person is satisfied with his life, what he understands by success and comfort. Stereotypes imposed by society also play a significant role. The editors of estet-portal.com offer to understand these complex issues and set priorities.

Success and personal comfort zone: defining concepts

In today's society, success is understood as a high salary, a car and a well-groomed body. At the same time, the amount of salary is measured by specific figures without taking into account the level of expenses. And & nbsp; after all, these are relative indicators. For example, if a person earns $1,000 a month and spends $1,200, he is poor, unsatisfied with life, and not successful. The one who spends $900 out of 1000 is rich, experiences no financial difficulties and, accordingly, is more successful.

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"Successful" body — slender, toned, with a low percentage of fat mass. In society, approval of people who work out to exhaustion in the gym. Fat people are condemned, accused of lying and laziness, if they say that they consider themselves attractive without additional work on themselves. Their personal comfort zone and generally ideas success do not match, which can form stable complexes.

Today, the main condition for a person's success is his ambition: the more he strives for perfection, the better. It turns out that if a person is comfortable with his income level, body and business, it is not a fact that he is successful from the point of view of others. He does get proper respect, recognition, and may even be considered a loser. Paradoxical, but true. How to be — strive for unnecessary heights or stay in comfort zone?

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In order to maintain self-respect and achieve only your own goals, you will have to decide on priorities. It is important to understand what the concept of success means for you personally and how you imagine psychological comfort.

If you are satisfied with the course of your life, feel calm, then calling to leave the comfort zone is not for you. And if it's time to change something, you can and should expand the boundaries of your comfort zone.

Read also: How to get out of comfort zone to expand your consciousness

Step-by-step algorithm for expanding the comfort zone

Comfort zone — these are not  circumstances, but only your reaction to them. If you feel that the time has come for change, but you are afraid of them, you will have to learn to adapt and learn new things. Do not rush to extremes, decide on radical changes and throw yourself out of your comfort zone. Set clear goals for yourself and start moving towards them, gradually expanding the boundaries of what is acceptable, convenient and understandable.

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The strategy is simple:

  1. Set a goal and break it into individual tasks. You must clearly understand what end result you expect and what you need to do.

  2. Determine your evaluation criteria. The desired outcome must be measurable so that you can always tell where you are.

  3. Work. We need to think over a program of activities. These are the habits that you will inculcate into your life to change it. Perform these actions regularly so that they become automatic. Ideally, you should have a notebook where you write down the results of your work every day.

  4. Adaptation and rest. When the goal is achieved, you have every right to rest. Get used to a new way of life, enjoy your success.

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Change is inevitable, and it's better to adapt to than burying your head in sand. Your personal comfort zone expands with every new skill you acquire, so it is not necessary to start a new life from scratch and fall into a zone of acute discomfort in order to succeed in your understanding.

Read also: Goodbye comfort zone: how to make your life rich

Simple exercises and techniques for better adaptability

Man constantly has to develop new territories. If change scares you, practice adaptability all the time. Simple exercises will help with this:

  • Change a couple of little things. Make it a rule to systematically change something: the schedule of the day, the usual routes, food. These changes will gently accustom you to change as such. They won't cause much discomfort, and renewal of the diet can even please.

  • Meet new people.It's easy — talk to a seller in a store or a companion in transport on an abstract topic. At the same time, such an action will gently take you out of a comfortable state, expand your communication capabilities.

  • Learn a new skill. Want a new sweater? Grab your knitting needles and learn to knit. Cook a new dish or sign up for a guitar course. Choose a hobby you like.

  • Change the picture before your eyes. Do you have a few free hours? Take the bus go to neighbour city, walk along its streets, see the sights.

  • Refresh your wardrobe. Buy and wear the item you think doesn't match your style. The main thing is that it fits and looks good.

  • Turn to art. Don't cling to familiar genres, watch a movie that uncharacteristic for you, read a new book.

We all need such adaptability trainers. If applied, the changes will not seem scary, and the personal comfort zone will expand as needed — smoothly and stress-free.

Read also: Existential crisis: what it is and how to overcome

The main thing about comfort zone and need to leave it

Comfortable state — this is simple human happiness. Don't lose it just because it's fashionable to aim for dubious heights. If you realize that it is time to change your life, do it smoothly and consciously, without stress:

  • Set priorities. Don't try to keep up with common standards if they doesn't work for you. Your personal success should be comfortable.

  • Set goals. If change is needed, be clear about what you want. Break the achievement of the goal into stages, set goals and act.

  • Work on your adaptability. It's not difficult, but it will help you not be afraid of change.

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If your life has become uncomfortable, open the way for change: change your hateful job, stop burdensome relationships. But don't throw into the pool with head. Everything can be done smoothly and without much stress if you develop adaptability.

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