Often, used tea bags are of absolutely no value, but after learning about its properties, you will not be in such a hurry to dispose of it after tea drinking. This secondary product – a completely universal remedy that is useful on the farm and will be useful for skin problems. Read the article about all the ways to use used tea bags to make your life easier.

5 uses for used tea bags

  1. You can wash heavily soiled dishes with used tea bags. This will help avoid the use of chemicals and you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort. Everything is very simple – you just need to soak the dishes with water and a used tea bag overnight. In the morning, all the dirt will be easily washed off.
  2. Used tea bags – An excellent tool for dealing with small rodents, spiders and insects. Their smell frightens small pests, so in order to clear your home of them, you just need to place the bags in the places where they were noticed.
  3. In order to avoid unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, you should put a used tea bag in it. This secondary product is able to absorb excess food odors and maintain the moisture balance in the food storage area.
  4. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes, well-dried used tea bags will help. Place the bag inside the shoes – it will absorb excess moisture and mustiness. It is very wise to store shoes in this way.
  5. Some skin problems such as scratches, abrasions, bruises, minor inflammation and redness will be less noticeable if used tea bags are used. Hold the sachet under cold water and apply to the problem area for 15 minutes. Due to the content of tannins in tea, used tea bags help relieve inflammation, redness, irritation and swelling. In addition, the same remedy can be used in case of age spots, herpes and dark circles under the eyes.

To get the most benefit from this drink, you should know the rules for brewing tea bags.

How to make tea correctly?

Only fresh water should be used to brew tea. In the process of repeated boiling, mineral substances settle on the walls of the kettle, as a result of which scale is formed. Also, oxygen is evaporated from the water, which is required for the correct brewing of the drink.

Tea should not be poured with boiling water – this can burn the tea leaves. In the case of fruits and herbs, this action would be more appropriate.


If you like to drink tea in English, fill the bag with hot water and wait 3 minutes, only after that add milk. If you do the opposite – fat can cover the leaves and the tea will not brew.


Most people are accustomed to wringing a tea bag against the side of a cup, but this should never be done. This action provokes the squeezing out of tannins, due to which the tea becomes bitter, therefore, as soon as it is brewed – just take the sachet out of the cup. If you like strong tea with a bitter aftertaste, try Assam tea of ​​the second collection or Kenyan tea.

Now you know how to brew tea properly and for what purposes you can use used tea bags.

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