Невротические расстройства: как поставить нервы по струнке

Multi-tasking and a fast pace of life can easily turn your head for a long time. Sometimes this state of the nervous aisle turns out to be a neurosis, which means & nbsp; requires proper and effective treatment. How to get rid of this trouble? How to return the nerves to normal? How to look at the world again with a positive look of a tireless head?

Why did my nerves flinch

Neurotic condition is a side effect of certain diseases and mental disorders.

Causes of neuroses:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • stress, depression;
  • emotional reboots;
  • consequences of injury.

A person who is dissatisfied with his physical condition, environment, environment and situations may become nervous. Such an outcome will be caused in the event that he cannot fix what causes her constant discontent and irritation.

How taut nerves sound

Tensioned nerves sound very loud and clear. Physically, neurosis manifests itself as headaches, dizziness, a constant feeling of mental and physical exhaustion.

Symptoms of neuroses:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • sudden emotional outbursts;
  • tearfulness;
  • diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep and appetite disturbance;
  • changes in libido.

Unlike hysteria,  neurosis cannot lead to suicide, so this condition is less dangerous. A person can be in a calm neutral state and suddenly succumb to an attack of neurosis when confronted with his stimulus.

There are several types of neurosis, which are classified according to the level of nervous irritability. There is an opinion that a neurotic disorder can induce other mental illnesses.  At the same time,  neurosis may not cause any additional experiences of the patient, if he is not aware of the presence of this disorder.

However, this is not a reason to ignore the problem. For the benefit of the patient himself and his environment, neuroses must be treated. In addition, this treatment is very pleasant.

How to get rid of neurotic music

For neurotic music to stop playing on the nerves, you need to turn off this record, stop the concert or get rid of the notes. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the problem that caused the neurotic state. This may require the help of a psychologist.

Self-analysis is also not a problem. Think about what annoys you the most in the world. Surely there are many such reasons. Write them down on a piece of paper and try to find what all these factors have in common.

Pay attention to relaxation procedures. Spend time the way you like it, do what calms you best.  Fine motor skills are often used to relax the nerves.  Previously, for this purpose, people sorted out the rosary, but now there are many other ways.

Knitting, weaving, embroidery, clay modeling, drawing and sewing can become not only relaxation methods, but also new hobbies. Hand typing on a keyboard also goes a long way in helping you relax and unwind.

 Soothing teas, herbs and tinctures will help. Doctors recommend aromatherapy, bioactive point massage, acupuncture massage (much more pleasant in practice than by ear), relaxing massage with essential oils, contrast showers, visiting a sauna with immersion in an ice pool, swimming, jogging in the fresh air. For some people, a punching bag and strength exercises help to get rid of neuroses.


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