Первый весенний овощ: вред и польза редиски

No sooner had the smell of spring scattered in the air than the first spring vegetables appeared on store shelves. There are more than enough people who want to give up heavy mayonnaise salads, so vegetables are in demand. A light salad seasoned with olive oil contains a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

The main component of spring dishes – radish. A bright, ball-shaped root crop that crunches pleasantly in the mouth, loved by both children and adults. estet-portal.com got acquainted with the information about it in detail in order to tell you how useful and harmful the radish is for the body. Find out more about the root vegetable with a peculiar taste.

Radish for the body: useful properties of a vegetable

Radishes have been on the spring table for more than one millennium. And this is evidence that the benefits of a vegetable should not be underestimated.

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The usefulness of the root crop in its composition, where it is present:

•    protein, which is more in radish than in tomatoes and zucchini – it is not for nothing that vegetarians include this product in their diet to replenish their protein reserves;

•    vegetable fibers that help eliminate bad cholesterol and improve intestinal motility;

•    potassium, which is necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system;

•    vitamin C, which is especially necessary for the body in the spring to prevent beriberi;

•    anthocyanin, which helps with cancer;

•    vitamins of group B and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The leaves of the vegetable also have useful properties, helping to improve bowel function. Infusion of 1 tbsp. spoons of leaves and a glass of boiling water will eliminate constipation.

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Radish in April: what to fear from an early root crop

Despite the positive properties of the vegetable, many believe that the radish is beneficial and harmful at the same time, especially when it comes to eating it in early spring. The first root crops are pleasing to the eye already in April, although summer residents are just starting to plant radishes this month. In this regard, we used to think that there are a lot of nitrates in the April root crop.

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This is partly true and it is not only about special spraying of vegetables, but about non-compliance with temperature, lighting and humidity standards. In this regard, radishes accumulate nitrates in themselves, which harm the body.
But there is a way out – proper handling before use. Wash the vegetable with hot water, and it is best to peel the early fruits from the peel, because it is in it that toxins accumulate.

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What is useful radish for weight loss

According to nutritionists, radish – a must-have product in the diet of those who want to overcome excess weight. The calorie content of the root crop is only 14 kcal per 100 g.

Besides, radish has another effect on the gastrointestinal tract:

•    accelerates metabolic processes in the body;

•    removes toxic substances and slags;

•     normalizes the work of the digestive tract.

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Diets are known where the main ingredient is radish, because thanks to the fiber in its composition, it will quickly be satiated. The best radish dish for losing weight – it is a salad with a root vegetable, which is dressed with olive oil or low-fat dairy products. The quick effect will not keep you waiting, because in 3-4 days you can lose 2-3 kg, and at the same time enrich the body with useful microelements.

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The harm of radishes to the human body

A well-washed radish does not cause any particular harm, but there are a number of contraindications when it is necessary to limit the amount of use of the root crop or refuse it.

Radish is contraindicated:

•    for gastritis and stomach ulcers, when there is an exacerbation stage;

•    for diseases of the thyroid gland;

•    with kidney disease;

•    for diseases of the gallbladder.

•    for liver problems.

In these cases, doctors recommend adding radishes to the menu no more than 1 time per week. Poor processing of the root crop before eating can provoke an intestinal infection, so wash the vegetable thoroughly.

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Radishes do more good for the body than harm, so don't exclude them from your spring diet. A bright root crop with a lot of vitamins and trace elements in the composition to improve your health.

Read also: Spring is in action: the best healthy breakfast recipes

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