Подготовка к родам: 10 полезных рекомендаций

Childbirth – quivering and important moment in a woman's life. Almost everyone remembers with tears in their eyes that happy moment when the baby was first placed on the chest. This feeling is priceless.

But how many things do you need to go through before that. Pain, experience, fear… It is natural to experience, especially those who will give birth for the first time are nervous.

In order for the birth to go smoothly and easily, you need to know what to be prepared for. Preparation for childbirth does not start a week before the due date, but a few months before pregnancy is planned.

How best to prepare for childbirth, what is worth considering and what is important to remember tells the online edition estet-portal.com.

1. What is important to know about the psychological preparation for childbirth
2. 10 Helpful Tips for Preparing for Childbirth

What is important to know about psychological preparation for childbirth

A woman is very worried about getting ready to become a mother of her first child and this is reflected in her thoughts and behavior.

This can manifest itself as:

• emotional instability, this is due to jumps in hormones;

• reassessment of values ​​in which motherhood begins to play the main role;

• fears and phobias.

To overcome the last point, doctors recommend:

1. sign up for courses for expectant mothers. Visiting them can be either alone or in pairs. Partnerships have been a big hit lately, so more dads are coming to the course. At such courses, they will debunk all fears, teach you how to breathe correctly during contractions, how to care for a newborn, and show you the necessary exercises to maintain your shape. It is important that such courses have not only theoretical lessons, but also practice; 2.

to educate yourself

. In addition to courses, it is necessary to read literature on preparing for childbirth, pregnancy, the health of a woman and a baby. Now there is a mass of literature on the Internet and books on these topics; 3.

positive attitude and visualization of a good end of childbirth

. Outdoor walks, dinners with your loved one, hobbies and thoughts about a successful birth will help overcome all phobias and fears.

My default image10 Helpful Tips for Preparing for Childbirth

In order to prevent

typical mistakes during pregnancy and remember this period as one of the happiest, we recommend that you consider the following points: 1.


Preparation for conception must necessarily include vaccination against possible infections. Influenza – a non-terrible illness when you are responsible only for your own health. When you are a pregnant woman, SARS can adversely affect the development of the fetus. The same applies to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus; 2.

late pregnancy.

Women over 35 should understand that there are certain risks for pregnancy and childbirth. There is a threat of diabetes for pregnant women, overmaturity, large fetus sizes, a chromosome defect in the fetus. Therefore, when preparing for childbirth, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to undergo a detailed examination, take folic acid in the right amount and engage in physical exercises for pregnant women so as not to gain excess weight; 3.

Find out what is allowed for pregnant women.

Pregnant women – not disabled. Many girls deny themselves travel, sex, bearing a child. In acceptable norms, having properly organized everything, all this is permissible for pregnant women. This also applies to coffee. Girls deny themselves this drink, although they love it so much. Scientists have found that drinking 1 cup of coffee a day is allowed for pregnant women; 4.

visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

A visit to a gynecologist should not be skipped in order to know how the pregnancy is going and if there are any complications. 10% are diagnosed with preeclampsia – a disease that is characterized by headache, swelling of the limbs and face, blurred vision, nausea. Ignoring these symptoms can harm the baby. Therefore, a visit to the obstetrician is mandatory; 5.

test for beta-streptococcus.

At 35-37 weeks, a woman is recommended to be tested for beta-streptococcus. By detecting this infection on the genital tubes in time, you can warn the child against pneumonia, meningitis and blood infections; 6.

preserve umbilical cord blood.

Cord blood contains stem cells, which are very important in the treatment of cancer, transplantation, and diseases of the immune system. Now cord blood is stored in cryochambers by special companies that do this. You just need to conclude a contract with them and notify them on the day of delivery;  7.

Ultrasound and CTG.

Ultrasound examination helps to see the development of the child and deviations at all stages. CTG – cardiotocography – measures the baby's heart rate. 8.

pain relief.

There are currently 3 types of anesthesia available: epidural, sacral, and intravenous. When preparing for childbirth, a woman needs to determine the type of anesthesia based on her pain threshold. An epidural will not harm you, but it will delay labor. Sacral is used for instrumental delivery. Intravenous anesthesia is dangerous, but is used when pain cannot be relieved by other methods; 9.

types of birth.

Preparation for birth includes the stage of choosing a birth. Naturally, most women want to give birth on their own. But there are indications that require cesarean section: multiple pregnancy, abnormal position of the fetus, weak labor activity. There is nothing wrong with giving birth by caesarean, it just needs to be accepted;  10.

postpartum period.

The mother-to-be should know that childbirth does not end with the first cry of the baby. Then comes the separation of the placenta and the birth of the placenta. Only after them you can breathe easy.

Preparing for childbirth

– This is no less important stage than the birth itself. Knowing all the subtleties of the parenting process, a woman will understand what to expect and how to act correctly. Now there are many schools and courses, literature and trainings are available that help expectant mothers overcome all fears of an important event.

Don't be afraid to ask your coach and doctor, because the more informed you are, the easier it will be to get through. The main thing is the support of your beloved and loved ones, and then childbirth will become the most desired event in your life.

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