Польза танцев для здоровья и эмоционального состояния человека

Dance is always accompanied by a deep manifestation of emotions. People of earlier civilizations did not dance for pleasure: this action had a special magical meaning. It was preparation for hunting, initiation and other important events. Ancient man so communicated with spirits and appealed to higher powers. In the modern world, the benefits of dancing are due to the need for relaxation, physical activity, pleasure, the need to know yourself or your partner more deeply. In this article, we will consider in detail the aspects of the positive impact of dancing on our body.

The influence of dance on the general condition of the body

First of all, the benefits of dancing are to correct your posture. The dancing person has an even gait, his movements become smoother. A warm-up also has a healing effect: it is required to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles. The movements in the dance are varied,  which is useful for the whole body and, in particular,  for training of the vestibular apparatus: improves coordination of movements, sense of rhythm. In general, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, which strengthens the immune system. To strengthen the muscles of the back, Spanish dances are most effective: paso doble and flamenco.

The importance of oriental dances for women's health is known. They are also very useful for the human nervous system: it stimulates the production of  substances responsible for the formation of nerve fibers. In addition, memory is noticeably improved.

Thanks to dancing, the condition of muscles, posture, coordination of movements improves, and due to increased blood circulation, the cardiovascular system optimizes its work.

Emotional Benefits of Dancing

When a person moves to the beat of the music, he looks special. As a rule, dance is accompanied by emotions: people smile, relax,. the action of endorphins is activated - hormones of happiness, which are indispensable in our life.

What effect does dancing have on the emotional sphere? Unlike other physical exercises and trainings, in dancing the influence of emotions, mood, enjoyment of life and oneself is very strong. This is necessary for a person, especially in difficult periods, when looking for a partner and during the festive moments of life. The moment of surprise, surprise from their actions is important. To some extent, this is the disclosure of one's inner capabilities, natural sensitivity, getting rid of bodily "clamps" and the opportunity to be oneself.

Dance classes have a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of a person. They offer people to intuitively move towards themselves, moving away from excessive rationality. Knowledge of one's natural nature – main target.

Trust in one's own body – the problem of modern man, who is too rational. A person may not be aware of his inner limitations, but dance allows you to comprehend inner freedom, your natural sensuality.

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Knowledge through movement – step towards relationship

Many dances – steam rooms,  their implementation presupposes interaction. These are different social contacts with which our life is filled. The connection of mother and child, son and father, man and woman. What is the role of dance in human relationships? It makes it possible to play them, to bring possible problem areas to the level of awareness. At any stage of the contacts of a gender couple, dancing people can get to know each other better. Very many scenarios are not realized by people, and only at the level of the body can the problem be actualized. Dance – this is a way to play and change social roles, because the society – living process. But in real life, relationships are often fixed, and  movements help people revive feelings. The dancer can understand whether a person is close to him or not. Benefits of dancing – in their therapeutic effect, releasing emotions and reminding our mind that everything is changeable. Dance movements can actualize a resource state in a person, which he cannot achieve in other ways.

The purpose of the dance – harmonization of relations, deeper knowledge of each other in various social roles. First of all, it is useful to dance at the beginning of the inception of feelings in order to understand whether this person is yours.

At the beginning of training, a lot of energy is spent on training, a person rebuilds his body to a different level of physical activity. Over time, the body   gets used to this rhythm and you can safely increase the load. Workouts are planned in such a way as to alternate between high-impact activities and relaxation. This will avoid unnecessary stress & nbsp; muscles.

Dance appeals to the healthy side of a person, this is its indispensable psychotherapeutic effect. In dance therapy, a person is given the task of –  learn to feel your own "I". In the process of training, flexibility and spontaneity are trained, which allow you to hear and understand yourself.

Read also How to create a unique aura of femininity around yourself

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