
“Went to the left”: what pushes men to treason

For some reason, male adultery today is practically equated with the norm, because when this phenomenon is so widespread, no one is surprised at the behavior of freedom-loving machos. But there are happy couples where partners are faithful to each other and do not even want to look “to the left”. Before once again calling men shameless and cruel, one should think about whether male infidelity is always just a whim of a partner, maybe women also have a hand in the fact that their chosen ones seek solace on the side? Find out why men cheat in this article.

Why men cheat: the main reasons for infidelity

  1. Psychological problems. A man's infidelity can be provoked by his childhood traumas. Perhaps the mother appeared as a tyrant in the family or he was unable to establish contact with peers.
  2. Intellectual disparity. When we are in love with a person, he is ideal for us, but when the passion gradually fades away, every flaw becomes more than noticeable. If a partner feels that his chosen one does not reach his intellectual level, and he does not see in her face an interesting interlocutor - a man goes in search of a more smart woman who will satisfy his need for communication .
  3. Self-doubt. Why try - to do styling, makeup, buy sexy dresses and take care of the skin, if he is already mine and loves me for who I am. He can only say that you are always irresistible to him, even in a stretched dressing gown and a careless “muzzle” on your head. In reality, a man will always be drawn to confident and sexy women, so feed your self-confidence with beautiful things and a well-groomed body.
  4. Boredom. Often men cheat when they lack the thrill - they are fed up with stability in everything - at work, in relationships, in sex. By the way, businessmen are less likely to cheat precisely because they are more often subject to emotional shocks.
  5. Anger. When a woman eventually turns into an evil witch, who now and then reproaches her man and is constantly dissatisfied with something, male adultery is inevitable. To get rid of stress hormones, he needs to increase testosterone and the easiest way is to go on a spree.
  6. Wrong way of life. In this regard, many factors can play a decisive role, but often the work schedule is to blame. Suppose a man leaves for work when it is still dark outside and returns when it is already dark outside. Due to the fact that he spends the whole day indoors, this provokes a malfunction of his biological clock. Intuitively, he begins to look for biochemical shake-ups that would allow him to remain a man, and not an office plankton.
  7. Challenging behavior. Male betrayal can be provoked by the behavior of his chosen one, who, with all her appearance, makes it clear that she is independent and dissolved. In order to maintain his inner self-esteem, a man decides to cheat.
  8. The transitional age of a man is 37-40 years. During this period, thoughts continually swarm in his head about what he has achieved in life and who he really is. The realization comes that time is running and old age is just around the corner, so you need to have time to enjoy life to the fullest and prove to yourself that he remains a real male. In particular, men who have not particularly achieved anything need such evidence.
  9. Sexual frustration is the main reason why men cheat. If sex with a woman does not suit a man, over time, the desire to make love with her disappears. He will strive to find a passionate partner who will satisfy him in sexual terms.

Male infidelity in most cases - a consequence of the indifferent behavior of the partner. Naturally, there are exceptions, but it is still important to always remain an ideal for your man, and for this you need to monitor your appearance, develop spiritually and intellectually, and discuss problems together. Be happy with your partners and don't make mistakes that can nullify all feelings.

  • Comments (1)

    03 октября 2015, 08:24

    "Почему-то мужская "измена" ...практически приравнивается к норме"-потому что это и всегда было нормой. <br />Биологически обоснованной и естественной. Мужзская моногамия- вот это, действительно странно и противоестественно.<br /> МОжно только удивляться тем, кто следует ей , вопреки биологической программе.

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