Most women experience swollen feet in the evening. Edema — this is a violation of the outflow of blood through a network of veins, lymphatic capillaries and vessels, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the tissues. There can be many reasons for this. Some of them are quite serious, caused by a number of diseases. But in basically — it is the consequences of lifestyle.
The editors of will tell you what are the causes of swelling of the legs in women.
- Which edemas don cause concern
- Causes of swollen legs in women: an indicator of health
- Why one leg swells: reasons
- How to eliminate leg swelling yourself: simple tips
Which edema don cause concern
Feet swell when fluid builds up in the spaces between the cells in your body. The cause of fluid accumulation is the work of the venous system. There are valves in the veins of the lower extremities that do not allow the blood to "fall through". But for some reason the valves expand and pressurized blood flows down.
Causes of swelling healthy women:
Lifestyle. The main reason is upright posture and long upright posture. Standing for many hours, walking or sitting causes increased blood pressure in the veins. Vessels become less dense and pass liquid into intercellular space.
Uncomfortable shoes. Wearing high-heeled shoes, the foot assumes an unnatural position. The main emphasis is on the forefoot, the toes rest against the toe, which disrupts blood circulation. However, flat shoes can also cause swelling in the feet. Ideal for long walks — shoes with heels 3 — 5 see Narrow shoes, even if worn for a short time, cause puffiness due to poor blood circulation.
Seasonal swelling of the legs. Usually, in the heat, we drink a lot of water and our body cannot cope with processing the liquid. Its excess is not retained by the vessels and it seeps under the skin, which leads to edema. Doctors advise drinking no more than 30 ml of water per kilogram of body weight.
Medicated edema. Occur when taking hormonal drugs: estrogen and androgen.
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Causes of swelling of the legs in women: an indicator of health
If, against the background of edematous legs, you notice other pathological symptoms in yourself — this is a good reason to go to the doctor.
The main types of edema in chronic diseases:
Renal edema. In diseases of the kidneys, salt and water are retained in the body. Edema is accompanied by back pain, swelling of the eyelids and a change in the color of urine.
Cardiac edema. Usually shortness of breath begins first, then the edema begins at the bottom and rises up the leg. They are symmetrical. Puffiness increases in the evening and disappears after a night's sleep. Their essence — it is a manifestation of heart failure.
Protein edema. They develop in two cases: in violation of the protein-synthetic function of the liver (chronic hepatitis, alcoholism, cirrhosis) or during starvation.
Hormonal disorders. Endocrine edema occurs due to changes in the hormonal background. Most often they appear in pregnant women or before menstruation. The basis of these edema — hormonal imbalance: excess estrogen. In pregnant women, the legs swell by the end of the childbearing period. This is due to the fact that the blood volume increases by about one and a half to two times, leading to an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system. As a result, edema appears.
Venous edema. As a rule, they accompany varicose veins. They also occur when veins are blocked in acute thrombosis.
Idiopathic edema. This is the most unexplored group. Their cause is unknown. They occur in women at a young age. At the same time, studies do not reveal any diseases. But then then the day comes, most often before menopause, when they disappear and never appear again.
Read also: Signs of varicose veins and methods of treatment of the disease
Why one leg swells: reasons
We already understand that symmetrical legs swell either due to health problems, or because of our lifestyle. And when one leg swells?
Deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg. The most common and most dangerous cause. If the clot breaks off, it will travel up the vein may block one of the branches of the pulmonary artery, which can lead to death.
- Lymphedema — stagnation of lymph.
We have many kilometers of blood vessels that permeate every millimeter of our body. Similarly, it is duplicated by the lymphatic system, which connects to the lymph nodes and carries out our immune defense. If there is a clamping somewhere, then stagnation of lymph begins, and as as a result — — puffiness. But often the cause of lymphedema is oncology — lymphoma.
- Baker's cyst ruptured.
There is a bursa under the knee that bulges out. If you have a problem knees — osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, then an increase in the bulge, its swelling (cyst), and sometimes rupture.
How to eliminate leg swelling yourself: simple tips
If swelling of the legs is associated with a chronic disease, then only a doctor prescribes a course of treatment. Of course, you can alleviate the condition with special gels, ointments or compresses. But this will only relieve the symptom and not affect the cause of swollen feet.
If you lead an active lifestyle, spend a long time on your legs or in uncomfortable shoes, then you can remove puffiness yourself:
- Lie down and raise your legs, resting them on the wall. During a night's rest, it is better to put your feet on an elevation: a roller or a pillow.
- Remove salty, smoked, and spicy foods from your menu. It contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular tissues.
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