Психоанаталитик Анна Кушнерук об эмоциональном выгорании: «Выгореть можно лишь после того, как мы горели»

Anna Kushneruk – well-known psychoanalyst, specialist in applied psychoanalysis, business psychologist. The expert defended the author's course in applied psychoanalysis and has five higher educations on her account.  

Many people know Anna as the host of the medical talk show "For the Live!" and an expert of the program "Everything will be kind." But in addition to working on television, the psychoanalyst gives private consultations, and also conducts author's lectures and trainings.

Estet-portal.com talked to a professional about the hot topic – burnout syndrome.   

Emotional burnout – platform for permanent irretrievable outflow of energy

Estet-portal.com clarified with the expert what this phenomenon is. Emotional burnout can lead us to the most difficult clinical picture. 

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What is the root cause of burnout?
This phenomenon primarily concerns our professional activities, but I assure you, emotional burnout – here is a platform for a constant irrevocable outflow of energy in any direction (whether it be a profession or a love life). You can only burn out after we've been on fire: burning with passion, energy, idea, creativity and the belief that it will lead us to our idea of ​​success. But it happens that we (by repeating a debilitating set of the same type of actions every day) lose the sense to continue.

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Loss of meaning manifests  in three directions:

lack of desired (necessary) feedback from relatives, colleagues, managers;

  • lack of sufficient remuneration;

  • lack of opportunity to convert your expenses into the opportunity to live comfortably, relax, afford joy  (both financially and using the most valuable resource – time.
Burnout syndrome: what is its danger

The danger of burnout is that it can lead us to the most severe clinical picture, to depression ! And this – not a bad mood or blues at all, but a loss of feeling and desire in everything.
Who is at risk


At risk is everyone who strives to live "fashionably" and in the spirit of the times: to be as functional and efficient as possible. As a psychoanalyst, I am horrified by how demanded today is a painful state, disharmonious, & nbsp; deadly for our psyche.

Essentially, it's – desire for a manic state:

not sleep for days, not get tired;

  • always be at work, in touch (without releasing your phone 24/7);

  • to satisfy the desire to receive «love» in the form of professional recognition.
  • At risk are those who do not stand up and do not defend their borders. The one who cannot tell himself – "Stop" and others – "No."

Are men or women more prone to burnout?

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А.К. Due to our nervous constitution and predisposition, women are able to repeat daily routine actions with less effort and still "not go crazy". Men suffer more from monotony. But chaos – mess – constant survival in a mess and futile attempts to streamline it is the path to burnout.
If life and routine are turned into comfort and a harmonious orderly routine, life will be more pleasant.

The 21st century provides an opportunity for both sexes to be in demand in culture. Close within the framework of the house, office, gender and relationships – here is the road to nowhere!

Professional burnout: what are its main symptoms

A.K. The main symptoms of professional burnout are: 

Unwillingness to get up in the morning (a person physically does not hear the sound of the alarm clock);

  • Frequent illnesses "blocking" the way to work;

  • Annoyance
  •  in response to any request;

    Anger (in everything!) or
  • apathy
  • . The psyche will choose the extreme measure on both poles;

    Lack of interest in what is happening;

  • Sarcasm about future plans;

  • Lack of energy as a background of life.
What are the stages of the development of the syndrome?

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I would not like to go into staging, but it is important to identify the main thing: the daily “I will endure”, “a little more”, “nothing , not sugary", "ok, I'll give in", "I'll sleep later", "I'll skip lunch today too", "I'll be patient and not go to the toilet for another hour" – it's all like a snowball and wraps us in passivity and lack of desire to continue.

How can the syndrome be prevented?

All secrets and advice are written and available to us. These are the principles of a healthy lifestyle :) The main thing – find a comfortable lifestyle for yourself, and not set records as your responsibility, and follow the rules of healthy eating and training. Please yourself! Decorate your life with pleasant meetings, order, consistency. Allow yourself to travel, meet new people, keep learning! All my life. Falling in love. This is – the best medicine.

Burnout Syndrome Treatment: Professional Help and Self-Help Methods


Self-help method – give up the narcissistic drive to "be perfect". Recognize yourself alive, different. Find yourself a person who needs support and harmony. Psychotherapy – it is an opportunity to get to know yourself and stop relying on someone else's expectations.
Antidepressants and sedatives – the need for treatment or a way to temporarily remove the symptoms? Self-assignment  drug will lead to tragedy. Most often, psychotherapy and lifestyle harmonization work just fine!
Can relatives help a person who has symptoms of professional burnout?


Yes, they can stop criticizing and evaluating, worrying, demanding help and attention,

and just say, “I love you and appreciate you, I see how hard you work, and it seems to me that it is really hard. I am ready to try to make your life easier by fulfilling your requests. You can contact me. That's enough.

One profession for life – a relic of the past or the best option?

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Today we are all – multifunctionalists. People who can find themselves in a variety of even non-related areas!Education – does not equal profession! A choice made at 20 doesn't have to last until the last breath. It is important to continue learning and remember that in this life you can and should be in time for everything that the soul aspires to. Most often, this is adjacent to a child's game.

Is it possible to avoid professional burnout by working for many years in one field?

Of course! Keeping a harmonious lifestyle for you. It's not about equal division of 100% of the time between the 4 main areas of life. This is absurd! At some times, it is perfectly appropriate to devote 70% of your time to 1 direction (for example, a newborn baby, or a love relationship, or a farewell to a loved one who leaves this world). Task – learn to hear yourself, and not obey Over – I (one of the structures of our mental apparatus, which very conditionally dictates to us “you must”). suffer from vacation to vacation. Does this way of thinking have the right to life, and how can this attitude be eradicated? this is 70% of our life time. Calculate how much life you can "suffer" and remember that life is finite. Work – it's not a hobby, it can be energy intensive, it can be challenging! But it should give a resource to live! Resource to rest! Be interested and most importantly – evolve!
How important is it for a person to find his vocation or work to his liking?

Of course, this is very important. The meaning of life – is to live with the thought.
Vocation – it is a voiced thought of life.

A few tips to help a person find his calling:



Travel (not necessarily to other continents, even to another city)!
Learn new skills.

  • Dance! Paint! Sing!

  • It's – the development of what was previously unclaimed in the soul and body. This is – a new circle of friends, new relationships, a new round of life.

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    Summing up the conversation with a specialist, estet-portal.com notes:
  • burnout syndrome
– an urgent problem of our time, in order to avoid which it is very important to correctly distribute the load, learn to listen to yourself, find the opportunity to switch from one type of activity to another, and also do not forget to please yourself, because happiness and harmony – closer than us, sometimes it seems.

My default imageRead also: 

Burnout syndrome: how it usually happens

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