Ребенок стал капризным: стратегия поведения родителей

Children's whims can drive even a saint out of himself. A cute, obedient baby suddenly turns into a stubborn and uncontrollable creature, screams heart-rendingly, stomps his feet or withdraws into himself and refuses to discuss anything until he gets what he wants. What should parents do if the child has become capricious and demanding? First of all — calm down. You need to realize and  accept the fact of stubbornness, figure out the reasons, and then think over a strategy for communicating with "updated" baby.

Why did the child become capricious — possible causes

Every phenomenon in the world has its own reasons, and the actions of the baby are no exception. His increased demands are due to the peculiarities of the physical or psychological state. Most often, behavior is influenced by such factors:

  • Feeling unwell. The kid doesn't understand what's happening to him. He is not able to explain where it hurts and where the negative emotions came from. Bad mood provokes changes in behavior.

  • Trying to get rid of adult custody. Parents worry about their baby, protect him from dangers. Hence the huge number of restrictions. The child wants more independence, and whims — his way of getting rid of total control.

  • Lack of independence. There is another extreme: at first, parents overprotect the child, and then demand independent actions from  If the kid is spoiled, he may protest against the fact that he is forced to grow up, to perform some duties.

  • Age Crisis. At about 3 years, the baby begins to realize himself as a separate person with own desires. He wants freedom of action. In     it can be negotiated with if the parents are ready to realize the changes and compromise  

If suddenly the child becomes moody and demanding, pay attention not only to them personally, but and to the general weather in the house. Scandals, instability, changes in the way of life affect the behavior of the baby. He may not know that his parents quarreled, but feel tension and broadcast his anxiety with the help of stubbornness, tantrums. In this case, efforts will have to be made to restore harmony in the  family, and the child's behavior will change for the better.

Read also: The child gets sick: what should parents do and how to behave properly

Advice from psychologists on how to behave as an adult

First, talk to the baby and observe  them. If the child has become capricious due to poor health, you should immediately contact the pediatrician. If everything is in order with health, you will have to carefully analyze the relationships in the family and your own upbringing methods. You've made a mistake somewhere, it's time to correct it. When communicating with children, follow a few rules.

Ignore the bad things and concentrate on the good things

The less attention you  pay to your child's bad behavior, the better the chances of improving the situation. Emphasize good deeds, praise for them. The kid really respects your opinion, so he will try to earn another encouragement.

Praise should only be for specific things, fully concentrating on the child. Emphasize personal relationship with the words "I", "me". Don't forget to hug your baby.

Switch your child's attention to other phenomena

If the kid became stubborn, began to insist on his own, switch his attention. For example, the child completely refused to sit down at the table, began to cry. Don't bend your line, just distract the baby. Ask him how he enjoyed playing with new friends, or what he wants to make out of plasticine today. Discuss the questions that have arisen, and then ask for help to set the table. Play!

Acknowledge that your child — individual

 He has a right to his own opinion, even if you don't like it. Look for compromises. Attempts to insist on your position as the only correct one are obviously a failure. Prompt, guide, control, but let your child do what he strives to . But don't rush to the other extreme — permissiveness.

Read also: How to put your baby to sleep without unnecessary problems and tantrums

Instill independence, stick to the daily routine

Clear and understandable algorithms of actions — what you need for a sense of stability and the development of independence of the child. The usual daily routine should not be broken without good reason. Gradually expand the list of independent affairs so that the baby feels like a full member of the family, and not  subordinate to  running errands from adults.

Forget the didactic tone and choose a form of play

Avoid lectures and let alone swearing and shouting. This is a hopeless strategy of behavior. Better turn parenting into an exciting game. Offer new forms of activity, get involved in classes. If the child sees your sincere interest, he will forget about whims and will cooperate with enthusiasm.

Read also: Spoiled child: why he behaves like this and what to do

The main thing about the strategy of behavior of parents with capricious child

Remember your childhood. Surely you were offended when your parents forced you to do something that you don’t like. Your child feels the same way. Be tolerant of his desires, understand the needs. In education, follow these rules:

  • Find out the cause of whims. If the child is healthy, pay attention to the atmosphere in family, forms of communication.

  • Stick to a daily routine. Psychologists have proven that children who live according to a clear schedule are less prone to anxiety.

  • Encourage independence.

    Gradually and painlessly expand your baby's responsibilities.

  • Ignore the bad behavior, praise the good.

    Wherever attention goes, there  energy. The child will try to earn praise.

  • Play.

    Raising a child — serious and super-responsible work, but it should be performed in playful form.

  • The most important rule of parents — keep calm in any circumstances. Be patient and everything will be back to normal.

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Early child development: pros and cons of developmental activities

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